Not So Happy Holidays: December

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Happy Holidays! Welcome to December! Remember all the fun times we had sitting down and planning decorating and celebrating as a make-shift family? We planned on setting up a tree in our dining room and going all out for the baby. It would have been my first official Christmas with him! I was looking forward to waking up and watching him open his presents!

The year before you were holed up in a depression and I spent over $300 on Christmas gifts for you trying to make you smile. When you mentioned you hadn't had a good Christmas since before your mother passed, I knew I had to go all out. Thanksgiving had you a sobbing mess and I wanted to make you smile. I bought you guinea pigs, T-shirts, Funko! Pops, and a Dragon Ball Z lunchbox that you wanted and proceeded to lose a month later. You also killed the guinea pigs after less than three months. The Funko! Pop boxes were covered in ashes and rips within the first month. Shows how much you really cared. To top it all off, you bought me a $5 plush from Walmart. That is all I got from you that year, and it wasn't even my favorite animal. It was just some random one. You never really cared to get me anything meaningful. It was always random junk. I know it's the thought that counts, but at some point in the relationship, meaning is the way to go.

I just hope the child has a good Christmas this year. I hope he is spoiled and treated right. I would have bought him so many presents. Why did you take that joyful baby away from me? You and your sister neglected that child the entire time I was dating you. The obvious emotional neglect was going on long before I came into the picture and it probably still does. She left his feces on his walls for days before she cleaned it up. She left him locked in his room every morning for hours after he woke up and screamed and cried. Then she would finally drag herself out of bed to go fetch him, throw him some junk food with no nutrition, and fall back asleep. Do you still wonder how he stuck toys in the toilet and broke it? Maybe if he had been watched or if she installed a baby gate in her room it wouldn't have happened. I wonder how many times he wandered downstairs and played in the dog pee and poop you left all over the house. That should have been my first red flag when I started dating you.

I wish I could have taken that child with me. I sat with him while he was sick with Covid and you all laughed at him. I took him bowling. I took him to the family fun park. I got him up and out of bed every morning until you yelled at me. Not her. She admitted that he was nothing but a desperate attempt to save her broken relationship. No child should grow up knowing that burden. So to all of you in my former apartment, pound sand this Christmas! For the toddler, I love you and miss you. 

So 'Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass' was my attitude for December. I hope you received a steaming pile of shit for Christmas! 

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