Oh yeah! The document came today! Let's see what the deputy listed for sale!
Dining room: Table and six chairs
Living room: Two couches, two chairs, two end tables, a coffee table, a lamp, and a 32 inch television
Bedroom #1 (Your Room): One dresser, one bed, and a 12 inch television (seriously? we had a 55 inch and we broke up how long ago. You can't afford a better television??? Broke ass druggie)
Bedroom #2 (Your sister's room): One bed, two dressers, 55 inch television
Extra: Vacuum
Okay but where are the expensive items? Your Playstations? The Switch? Whatever. I'll talk to the deputy later. See you August 3rd at 9am!
To My Dear Ex Boyfriend,
NonfiksiHey! I know it's been a while since we talked, but I wanted to update you on how it's going! So I wrote this story to let you know what's been going on since our breakup! I hope you enjoy it! Edited Version: In the process of editing the story to re...