Wedding plans

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Jaaliliyah : okay have you decided on a big or small wedding

Denise: I say a small I don't really have a lot of people to come see us. I just want our friends and family there

Anthony : yeah we really don't fuck with many

Jaaliliyah : keepin yo square small I understand that completely

Anthony : I knew it wuz a reason why we payin you all dis money

Jaaliliyah : yeah cus yo girl hired me . have you both decided on who gone be your best man and the maid of honor

Melanie: im the flower girl

Jaaliliyah : yes we know that now back to what I was saying

Melanie: nobody else matters im the one they coming to see

Jaaliliyah : well okay melaine I can see that we going to get along

Melaine: really well you should put yo glasses on I don't like you

Denise: Oh my god im so sorry I don't know what gotten into her

Anthony : Melanie you apologize right now

Melanie: FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE ... ms Jaaliliyah im sorry that I don't like . happy now ( crosses arms)

Jaaliliyah : it fine ( rolls eyes ) okay denise are we going to do it in a church or a beach

Denise: I always loved the idea of a beach wedding ... we can do it right here in Atlanta

Jaaliliyah : so you don't want to travel

Anthony: nah I do dat enough fo both of us

Jaaliliyah : well this first meeting have been very insightful (shakes Anthony and Denise hands) see you two very soon; Jessica will give you your next appointment time

Denise: okay ... come on Melanie

Jaaliliyah : bye Melanie it was such an interesting experience on meeting you too

Melanie: I still don't like you ( close door)

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