Flower Girl or Beyonce

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Jaaliliyah : okay who ready for a wedding everyone welcome to the celebration of Anthony and Denise Alsina. This couple has grew very close to my heart and im glad to sya that I helped make their dreams come true. Without furher a due I will like to introduce you to the lovely couple.. go ahead dj hit the music 

Melanie: ( cough ,cough) you need to introduce me 

Jaaliliyah: mel honey come on down the aisle 

Melanie: Im not moving until you introduce me 

Jaaliliyah: we talked about this 

Melanie : im not coming 

August: just play da damn song 

Jaaliliyah: okay go ahead dj 

The intercom played the intro crazy in love as Melanie strutted down the aisle while she threw flowers. She was smiling and even took a bow when she reached the end 

August: I know she aint jus

Melanie: No thank you , thank you ( blows kisses) you want an encore 

She ran back to the start and did it again and again this went on for about five minutes

Jaaliliyah: okay Melanie that's enough 

Melanie: you just mad that im fabulous

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