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Melody was silent, eyes facing forward as Alexander, closed the passenger door for her, and hefted her bike onto the bike rack he had bought just to make sure he could pick up Melody wherever she was. He jogged back to the driver's side, jumped in and quickly turned the jeep around and left the driveway. Her gaze steely, body rigid in the seat next to him. He had no idea what to say to her, no idea what was running through her head, how she must be feeling. How the fuck was someone supposed to cope with learning they had been under hidden cameras in their own home for weeks, that their step brother was responsible, that her mom didn't protect her.

"Guillermo is sure no one saw the videos?" Melody's voice was shaking and so quiet, he would have never heard her without his enhanced senses.

"Guillermo is the best at what he does, and I don't think he knows how to be dishonest." Alexander answered truthfully, "If he says the files never moved off the local server, I trust him completely."

"No one will see it?" barely a whisper.

"No one will see any of it." Alexander's voice, strong and firm. He would be the solid ground she needed.

"I don't live there anymore?" her voice was still shaking, but getting louder, more confident.

"Your home is with me now, you never have to see any of them again."

A deep sigh slipped from her lips, as she visibly relaxed in her seat. She closed her eyes, and a content look settled on her face. "Good." she paused, a smile growing on her lips. "You still need to show me your wolf today, you know."

Alexander grinned like a mad man. "You sure you're up for that after this morning?"

"Yes. Onwards and upwards. Next step on my build my life back up plan is learn everything I can about you and werewolves."

The wolf inside his mind was prancing, tail wagging, tongue lolling out his mouth happy. Neither the man nor beast could wait to show off to their mate. "We would love to show you."

Her brows scrunched together, as she thought hard about something "You say we... Is your wolf not you? How does this all work? And did anyone find a werewolf guide for beginners?"

A deep laugh rolled out his mouth from the bottom of his belly. "No book sadly, My wolf and I are separate but one. We can talk to each other in my mind, the wolf is more wild, aggressive and dominant, compared to how you know me. He can sometimes push forward and look through my eyes to see what I see, sense what I can sense. He has been almost uncontrollable around you. Especially now that we don't have any secrets between us." The jeep slowed as they pulled into the large driveway, putting the vehicle in park.

"He's not disappointed I'm just a human? Shouldn't he want someone with a wolf for him?" her eyes searching his face, trying to read him.

Alexander's eyes and face changed, it was nothing drastic, to a passerby he would look the same as always, but Melody felt something shift in the air around him. "Melody" His voice was deeper, rougher, a tint of danger in his tone as he pulled the jeep over and stopped.

"Alexander?" she questioned, even though she was pretty sure it wasn't exactly Alexander speaking to her.

"He is here, but pushed back for now. I'm Flint. I couldn't wait any longer, not when you think I am disappointed." He took both her hands in his, his touch firm, confident. He brought her hands to his lips and gently kissed each knuckle in between speaking to her. "I could never be disappointed in you. You are a gift from the goddess. One I plan to enjoy every way possible for the rest of our lives." There was an unmistakable hunger in his voice, as he looked into her eyes. "Alexander is gentle and thoughtful, he will take care of you. I'm an aggressive, wild, animal, I will ravish you when you are ready." He winked with Alexander's eyes and the subtle shift happened again and her sweet Alexander was looking at her once again.

"Well that's never happened before" Alexander said with his normal voice, all traces of the wolf gone.

"What?" Melody asked, not understanding.

"Flint's never taken control like that, I didn't know he could." Alexander's face turned a burning shade of red, while his eyes glazed slightly for a moment. "Oh" he finally breathed out when his eyes focused again.

"Oh what? I really think we need to write that wolf for beginners book. I feel so lost." Melody lamented.

"Um, Flint was just telling me not all wolves can push forward in human form. Most wolves never try. But he wanted to see if he could so he..." Alexander paused, searching for the right words without being as vulgar as Flint had been in his mind.

"I think the words he used when he spoke to me was ravish?" Melody offered, blushing fiercely.

"Well let's go with that. But nothing will happen until you are ready Melody. You are in control of this relationship. We will wait forever if we need to." he smiled, his sweet smile at her, making her stomach flutter with butterflies. With a nod they continued the drive back to the pack house.

Alexander loaded up his arms with the boxes while Melody dragged the overstuffed suitcase behind her and up to her room. She immediately put her prized sewing machine on the already set up sewing table and smiled. This room had felt like home to her the moment Alexander laid on the bed with her, but with her grandmother's sewing machine safe inside, the room was perfect now. Alexander tucked the boxes up on a shelf in the large closet as directly by Melody.

"Do you want some time to finish unpacking? Or what should we do now?" He asked her. He meant what he had said, she was fully in control of everything from now on.

Her stomach rumbled, and she smiled while her face flushed with embarrassment. "Sounds like my stomach thinks it's lunch time?" He looked up at him, waiting for his response.

"Goddess I love a girl that can eat. Lets go."

Lunch went similarly to how they had enjoyed breakfast. The pack continued to stare at the newest couple. Melody again ate more food than Alexander thought was possible, and in between bites she peppered him with random questions about the supernatural world. She now had a better understanding of wolf culture. But there was still so much to teach her.

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