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Melody was anxious, she had barely seen Alexander since they arrived. She kept getting dragged away for more ceremony plans, and Alexander was working hard with the security team trying to pinpoint where the Hyena's were hiding. There was numerous cases of unclaimed mates going missing, some assumed they just changed their minds and left on their own. But after what Melody had been through, she and Alexander knew better. There were too many cases, too many heartbroken Alpha's all across the country. It was going to take weeks to sort through all the information.

She had one highlight yesterday, Guillermo had arrived with a gift for her in the back of his van. He was escorted to the room where Melody and Diana were discussing flowers by the guard who had stopped him at the border of the pack lands.

"I know how much you liked your bike, I fixed it." He had said without any preamble before a younger wolf wheeled Melody's restored bike up to her. Her eyes watered, the last time she had seen the bike it was twisted pile of scrap metal after it had been run over during her kidnapping. It was hurt Melody's heart to see her beloved beach cruiser ruined and broken, it was the last project she had worked on with her dad, her last real memento of him and his love for her. Melody's father had engraved his initials on the handle bar along with her own as a reminder of the time they spent working on the vintage ride together.

Guillermo had done a beautiful job, the bike looked brand new. Fresh white walled tires, the same beautiful sky blue color on the frame. The chrome details shined until they were as reflective as any mirror. Melody's eyes had watered when she realised all the effort he had put into fixing her bike, because he knew how much it meant to her. Melody threw herself at him, wrapping him in a hug, he went stiff, and didn't hug back. Melody wondered if he was perhaps on the spectrum, it would explain why he wasn't very good with social cues or physical touch. As well as the genius level he was at with all technology. "Thank you Guillermo, This means the world to me."

"You deserve nice things Melody. Your dads name is still on the handle bars, I made sure to keep it intact. Most of the rest of the body I had to replace." He nodded at Diana, "I gotta head back now. Bye Melody." Without further adieu or fanfare he turned and walking away.

Today was a new day, no thoughts of her twice dead father, no worries that another cackle was going to try and kidnap her, today was not a day for worries. Today Melody was standing in a guest bedroom, in a long white lace gown getting primped and pampered from head to toe. She loved her dress, it was light as a cloud, with off the shoulder delicate lace cap sleeves, a low sweetheart neckline, and pearl beading adding just the right amount of sparkle as the dress hugged her figure before layers of lace spilled past her hips. She felt ethereal when she walked, the lace trailing behind her, like she was made of mist. Her hair had been brushed, curled and styled until it shone with highlights of amber and deep chocolate reflecting in the crisp winter sunlight. She kept her hair down, soft loose curls cascading around her shoulders and down her back.

This wasn't a wedding, at least not like any wedding she had ever been to, so there was no veil, but she wanted something, so a flower crown of myrtle, baby's breath and ivy was sourced from somewhere. As it was laid on her head, completing the look Melody smiled, and had to hold back tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. They had spent over an hour on her makeup, it wouldn't do if she ruined it. So she dabbed her eyes with a tissue, keeping the makeup intact. She looked more lovely than she had ever looked before, she was glowing.

Which might be from the now confirmed pregnancy, or from her joy of truly starting her life and building a family with Alexander. There was one corner of her heart that held sadness, though. She had always dreamed that her daddy would be with her, to walk her to her husband, dance with her in her big white dress, tell her she was his princess forever just like he had when was small and wearing cheap polyester costume princess dresses. Melody had never been close with her mother, even before the move, so she wasn't too heartbroken over her absence. She hadn't been here long enough to make friends, all she had was Alexander.

The girls and women who were helping her get ready were more than welcoming, filling the room with happy chatter and laughter. But it wasn't how she thought a day like this would be. Melody had no close girlfriends, she had never been good at making or keeping friends, but as she let herself relax in the comfortable room full of people making a fuss over Melody and slowly filling her in on all the pack gossip, she felt like everything would all work out.

Afterall, Alexander and in fact all the she wolves in the room swore their goddess Selene had a reason for everything. It had been random chance, or fate that Alexander found Melody when she needed him the most, he had saved her in so many ways. Maybe she should put her faith in Selene, that she was exactly where she was supposed to be, and she had a purpose here. Even if she didn't know it yet.

Melody had never been religious, or believed in anything. But when your soon to be husband is a werewolf who swears his goddess fated their souls to be at their best when together, maybe she could believe too. Her internal monologue was interrupted when a crystal champagne flute filled with Italian soda instead of alcohol was placed her hand while an overly warm hand was placed on her shoulder, "Melody, sweetheart," It was Diana, her voice was soft and gentle, which was so strange from how she had sounded the entire time Melody had known her. "Are you alright? You've been staring into space for over ten minutes now. It's almost time to go downstairs."

"I'm fine, I was just thinking..." Melody felt another tear threaten to spill out the corner of her eye. Diana caught it on her finger, being careful to not smudge any makeup.

"I know this is fast, I know I pushed this on you, and Alexander told me about your family and everything you have faced. I just want you to know, I am so proud of you. You will be the fiercest Luna this pack has ever seen. Today's ceremony isn't just to publicly join you to Alexander, it will join you to us. To this pack. Do you know what that means?" Melody shook her head, she was still waiting for that werewolves guide for humans. "It means today your soul joins to Alexander's and you will be welcomed into our pack, to be part of our family. You'll never be alone again."

A pretty blonde came up behind them, "Never ever! You run with us now Melody!" The room erupted in laughter as a loud bell rang from downstairs.

"It's time! Let's go!" an excited voice cried out.

"I love mating ceremonies," someone said dreamily.

"Wait I don't have shoes?" Melody asked, realizing she was being ushered out the door but she didn't have any shoes on.

"No shoes, no jewelry, dressed in white." Diana rhymed off, "this is tradition, it's supposed to reflect how Selene would appear to us in our dreams."

"Does she come to you in dreams?" Melody asked, she had thought the goddess was more like the christian god she was raised with. An imaginary figure in the sky, watching everyone and judging bad behaviour.

"Not to my dreams no, But she does come to wolves in dire times, or to share important messages when she needs to intervene. Hopefully you and Alexander will have a quiet, happy, fruitful life together." Diana was already ushering Melody out the door, "Now lets go! I have been waiting for this day since Alexander was born." She turned to Melody, a tear in her own eyes, "I just wish his father could be here with us."

"Me too" Melody said quietly, wishing her own father could be here as well.

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