Part 2: 1

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**Hello friends, welcome to part two, please be warned that the smut and violence in book two is more intense than book one. Enjoy at your own discretion**

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you keep me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take, my sunshine away.

When she ran out of songs to sing for lullabies, she always just started to sing you are my sunshine, quieter, and quieter, and so far for both of her babies it always did the trick as Melody rocked them down for the night. Carefully she lowered her sweet sleeping baby girl down into the crib her brother had only vacated such a short time ago that it felt like yesterday. Melody held her breath as she tiptoed out of the nursery that used to be a walk in closet attached to the alpha suite in the contained apartment within the main pack house.

Once she was safely on the other side of the door, she took a deep breath. Melody had been wanting to have this conversation for weeks, but kept chickening out. Now she felt like she was going to literally explode if she didn't finally say it out loud. Melody flew down the stairs to the living room of their apartment to find her love and her soulmate Alexander, watching the news with rapt attention. He didn't turn to look as she entered the room. He knew she wanted something, but wasn't sure what, and that made him nervous.

"Alexander, I want to talk about something" her voice, soft, gentle, 'I know I am not asking for much, he would be insane to refuse me', she repeated over and over in her head while she waited for him to respond.

Melody heard Alexander sigh, deeply, not a good start and immediately she felt her blood pressure rise, then she heard the words he almost whispered too low for her to hear, "You want to leave." his voice filled with sadness, catching her off guard, shocked that he would even ask that.

"I want to go to college Alexander!" Melody was whisper screaming now at the stubborn, idiotic wolf in front of her, trying to convey just how deeply she wanted this, while also trying to not wake the baby or James. How could he think that she wanted to leave him? They had two babies now, he was her mate. Their family, together, was her only family, she thought inside her head, wondering why he felt so insecure all of a sudden.

"What's wrong with the distance classes you've been taking?" he asked, feigning calm while her own heart was beating out of her chest. "You're almost done the program, why transfer to in class?" Melody hated how he could stay calm when she was nearly exploding with feelings inside. It wasn't fair.

"Because!" her voice getting louder, as her emotions ran higher. Melody's breasts started to leak milk into the pad inside the nursing bra which only added to her furry that he was being difficult. "I need to make friends Alexander, human friends!" she was close to actually yelling now. Remembering the children she tried to calm herself down but he was being too stubborn! It has been three years since the kidnapping and no one has seen or heard from a single hyena in the time since. It is almost like they fled the country they have been so impossible to find even a trace of. 'I can't stay locked up on pack lands for the rest of my life', she thought.

"You have friends Melody, Valerie, Michelle and Amy..." he listed off a bunch of other female werewolves. His friends. His friends who looked up to him as their Alpha and leader. Why did he have to be so dense sometimes.

"Those are your friends, and you are their Alpha do you really think they want to hear me complain about you taking the covers at night?" she asked, before giving him a more intense look, "Do you want me telling them how great you are at eating pussy?" Finally, that one made him blanch. She was getting somewhere.

"No I don't want them knowing what we do in bed" the possessive growl at the end of his words let her know her tactics were working. But she had to hide the smile trying to twist on her lips. He would need a little bit more coaxing for him to be at ease with it. She almost felt bad for how easy it was to twist him around her finger. Almost.

"I'm not a wolf Alexander, I'm human, and a mom." Melody took a deep breath, before confessing why she needed this, "I need more than just wolves in my life right now, I want to feel normal. Let me go to school? I'll even accept a bodyguard if you just let me finish my program in person." she was pleading, her eyes wide and open as she stared him down.

She watched as his eyes went vacant and knew he was discussing it with his wolf, Flint. Which meant she had already won. Alexander might be able to say no. Sometimes anyways. But the wolf couldn't do anything that didn't make Melody happy. She tried to hide her smile again as she felt Alexander give in, ready to give her what she wanted.

Or so she thought. "What about Ansley?" He asked, his eyes looking towards the room, just up the steps where their newest baby girl slept. Melody was ready for this question, she had come prepared.

"She can come with me, there is a daycare, and I'll be able to see her between classes. Is this you agreeing?" she asked, wanting to seal the deal before he changed his mind.

"You will take a body guard, and one will stay near the nursery, but yes. You can go to college Melody." With a squeal, she jumped into his strong arms, kissing his lips with reckless abandon. His hands immediately grabbed onto her ass to hold her against him, as her own hands ran through his soft locks, scratching his scalp making him moan into her mouth as her tongue danced with his.

Melody stopped kissing him, whispering in his ear, "Let's take this celebration to our room, I have a few ways to say thank you." She had to grab onto his shoulders tightly as he all but ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, up to their room, making her laugh the entire time at his eager nature as one hand roved over her body while the other held her up, cupping her bottom in his hands. Melody loved her wolf and his enthusiasm. He was and would forever be her one and only, and she never wanted for anything. He was all she would ever need, because he was made to love her, and her to love him back.

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