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Alexander pulled the jeep into a hidden park just off the exit they had taken. The long driveway was overgrown, the sign hidden behind poplar trees. Though even if Melody could have seen the sign easily as they passed, most of the paint had long flaked off. The laneway was twisting, grass growing in the center of two tire tracks. Melody wasn't nervous, she trusted Alexander, though she couldn't help thinking of all the horror movies she had seen where a young couple goes too far into the woods and meets a terrible fate.

Thankfully, she was with a werewolf, who was probably the scariest thing in the woods for a long way. The trees that were leaning in towards the jeep as they traveled down the narrow lane let up, revealing a wide open clearing, with picnic tables, fire pits and communal brick BBQs dotting the picturesque park. There was a long building that had seen better days, the roof was sagging, and teenagers had been busy tagging the plain walls until they were a rainbow of names, pictures and colors fighting for attention. Alexander parked the jeep by the open door, and gestured for Melody to get out. He grabbed a blanket from the backseat and ushered Melody inside the shelter.

It smelled damp inside, but it was relatively dry. Alexander laid out the blanket on top of one of the picnic tables that was inside. It must have been a great place to have a party when it was maintained, Melody thought as she looked around, thinking about the casual outdoor weddings and birthdays that could have happened here over the years. It was almost sad to see a place get so run down like this. Alexander took Melody by the hand and lead her towards the blanket covered table.

Melody was about to ask what he was doing when his mouth claimed hers. His lips on her lips, his heat searing her skin, her cheeks flushed with desire for the perfect, beautiful man kissing her like she was the air he needed to breathe. Melody felt as her backside came to rest on the edge of the picnic table. Alexander's tongue snaked its way inside her mouth, tasting her tongue on his. His hands slide down her sides until they grabbed her behind and lifted her up onto the picnic table.

"We need to talk Melody," Alexander said, voice low and husky as he broke their kiss, leaving her lips swollen, her body wanting more. He started to untie the laces of her canvas sneakers, taking them off and setting them down on the ground, "You don't seem to know how fucking perfect you are." He pulled her socks off, placing them neatly inside her sneakers before moving on to her pants, pulling them down over her hips and off her legs. Before folding them and adding them to the pile of her clothes.

It was chilly, but they were out of the wind, and Alexander's warm hands on her skin kept her warm. Alexander got on his knees, and started to kiss every single one of her toes, "Your toes are perfect Melody." He moved lower, kissing the arch of her foot, "These feet, are so strong, I watched them carry you out your bedroom window so many times, you never stumbled." He kissed the top of her foot, "Perfect." Melody was starting to flush, and wiggle her thighs together. She could feel the passion from Alexander flowing through the bond. He meant every single word, she could feel it, but she was feeling something else, she wanted him to take her now.

"Alexander please, I need you" She was mewling like a kitten, voice raspy with lust. He smiled into the skin of her calf and shook his head.

"You will always have me. But I need to make sure you know how enraptured I am by you before I will fuck you." His lips traced a slow lazy trail up her calf, to her knee. Repeating on the other leg. His hands were running up and down her legs, keeping her warm, while he kept going, kissing a line up each thigh. He lifted her shirt and kissed her hip bones on each side, before helping her pull her sweater over her head.

He kissed her bellybutton, "I love your belly, it is amazing how such a little person can keep up with me at the dinner table."

"I'm so squishy though, all the girls in the pack were so fit..." Alexander swatted her rounded hip playfully.

"None of that. They have wolves inside, spend their lives training starting as soon as they can walk. You are soft, and curvy and luscious." He licked his lower lips as his hands held on to her by her hips. "You feel perfect in my hands." He continued to kiss her, up her stomach, the base of her ribs and up her sternum, along her collar bone, throat, jaw before finally landing on her lips with a sweet kiss as he cupped each breast in his hands, "These breasts are perfect, how they fit in my hands and..." his head moved down, a hand sliding the cotton bralette out of his way as he drew a hardened nipple into his mouth, laving the sensitive skin with his tongue, then sucking the nipple firmly into his mouth, before releasing it with an audible pop, "how perfectly they taste and feel in my mouth."

Melody felt she was on fire with her desire for Alexander and echoes of his own desire for her creating a feedback loop driving both of them wild. Her hands were clawing at him, tangling in his hair, doing anything she could to bring him closer, to finally have more of his skin on her skin, to feel him inside her. "Please Alexander" she begged.

"Can you feel it Melody? How perfect you are? How there is only you in my heart." He pulled his shirt up over his head, pressing his warm chest against Melody's chilling skin. "Do you believe it yet?"

"Yes" she panted out, her hands desperately fumbling at his jeans trying to release him to get what she needed. "Yes Alexander, I can feel it. I know it. I wont doubt again. Please, I need you now."

"Good girl. I can feel you mean it." He gracefully freed his cock from the confines of the denim prison he had been trapped in and in a smooth thrust sheathed himself fully inside Melody. Both of them moaning as their bodies came together, joined as one.

"Yesssss" Melody sighed into his ear, as he rocked his hip back and forth, filling her cunt before withdrawing almost completely. Her legs wrapped around his hips, hooking her ankles together. Drawing him deeper and deeper inside of herself. Alexander was raining kisses along her jaw, her neck, her lips, as his hands held her tenderly in his arms.

"Feel this Melody? Feel how perfectly your body fits together with mine. Hear our hearts beat in time with each other. Together we are perfect" He felt her walls start to flutter and clench around his cock, she was close, and he was too. His thrusts became more erratic, as her clawed her blunt nails down his back, "Cum with me Melody" he panted as he nipped at his mark on her neck again, sending them both crashing over the edge into matching orgasms.

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