Listen To Me Pt. 2

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It's been 3 months since the diner incident. Not wanting to see Chris, your mom comes over and help the kids get ready while Chris picks them up. Right now you were better off not seeing each other. You admit it's so different cause y'all were at some point in time inseparably.

It was Chris week and he came on time like normally. Your mom meet him outside with the kids and their bags. They shouted daddy and get in the truck. Chris grabs the bag from your mom and put them in the back. Good afternoon mom". "I been meaning to ask, it is still okay, I call you mom" Chris ask. "Don't tell my daughter this but whatever happens between you two , you'll my favorite son-in-law" she announces. Chris looks up to the second floor window, of what use to be yall room. "Think she'll ever talk to me" Chris let out. "Give her time" your mom say. "She come around". "I have this plan but I need your help" Chris say. Your mom lets out a sigh and a listening ear.


It's been four hours since the kids left with their dad. You hear your stomach growl and realize you haven't eaten today. You headed to the diner to do a take out. Once you got there, you order your food and proceed to wait. While sitting in the high chair at the bar, a familiar face walks up to you. "Hey I remember you, you're the lady who cheated on her husband" the waitress said. It was the same waitress 3 months ago. You rolled your eyes at her comment. Just wanting your food.

Your number was called and the waitress hands you your bag. "Can you tell him to text me back" she smirks. You take your bag and jump down from the chair. "Oh he didn't text back, probably cause he's too busy begging me to take him back" you retaliate. You walk out the door and head to your car.

Two hours later after eating, you were cravIng something sweet. Your order you some ice cream and wait for the delivery and turn on a movie. You hear the hard rain beginning. This was going to be a great night. Rain. Ice cream. Nice movie.


You hear the doorbell and run to the door. You open and see a wet Chris. "You order ice cream" he ask while holding up the bag. You stared at him. "(Y/N) please let me in" Chris begs.

Chris is now inside drying off. You gave him a towel and he instantly took his shirt off. You stared. He glance at you. "Good to know I still turn you on" he smile. You rolled your eyes and walk to the kitchen. Chris whisper to himself "too soon". He follows you. "You have three minutes to get out my house" you demand. "Great that's all I need", Chris say while you fix you some ice cream.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry" Chris say. You stared at your bowl. "I'm sorry for not being attentive. I'm sorry for not giving you the chance to explain yourself. I'm sorry I possibly ruin the best thing that ever happened to me" he let out. You can see the regret in his eyes. You want to believe him. "You can't be too sorry, if you been texting that waitress" you flare. Chris looks bamboozled. "I don't know where you got that from but I promise I never text her, talk to her. I haven't been to the diner since that day" he said walking towards you. "So why did she say she's waiting on a text back" you said walking back. "Probably because she's LITERALLY waiting" Chris walk to you again. This time face to face.

"I promise no woman has my attention. During these months apart been hell. It might now have look like it but I swear I was suffering without you" he said. "You're my irreplaceable love and that'll never change. I'll do whatever the gotta do, to prove it". At this very moment, you see the Chris you met 13 years ago. You smile and shook your head ok, feeling a tear fall. Chris gently wipes it and looks up at the tv from the kitchen.

"Shrek?" he ask. "It's definitely a classic" you say. "Maybe I can help you watch it" Chris ask. You sigh and thought about it. "You get one movie" you say grabbing your bowl and walking to the couch. Chris looks at you as you walk to the living room. He smiles at himself, happy he's getting a chance to redeem himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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