Chapter Twenty-Three | Boundaries

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~George's P.O.V~

Technoblade sat on the chair in the corner of the room, keeping an eye on George as he watched the television. He wasn't allowed access to the TV unless Techno was there to keep an eye on him. Not like he could use it to contact anyone...

George grabbed the notebook Techno gave to him, scribbling on the page.

I saw a pool outside, can we swim?

George showed the book to Technoblade, but he shook his head.

"You aren't allowed outside, Dreamers rules."

George frowned,

He should have known...

George scribbled back in his book.

Can I go to my room?

Techno read the page nodding his head. George got up, making his way to the stairs until Techno stopped him.

"I forgot I have a few of my own, house rules, sit down for a moment, then you can go."

George nodded his head, he was used to obeying, and he sat back down. Technoblade cleared his voice.

"Rule one, keep out of my room. It should be locked at all times, but I'm not perfect, if you need me, you can knock on my door, but you're banned from going in. Kardac also has no access to the room, so you shouldn't lose your pet."

George nodded his head, turning his attention to Kardac who was on his bed. He was chewing on a bone Techo gave him earlier.

"Doggy doors have been installed throughout the house, for Kardac, however don't try to crawl through them, they aren't for you!"

"Kardac isn't allowed on any furniture, except whatever is in your room. He should have already been trained that from Dreamer, but dogs aren't perfect."

Techno turned his gaze back to Kardac, who looked up from chewing his bone.

"There's cameras throughout the house so don't try anything stupid. The kitchen is also off limits, all sharp objects should be locked up, but I still don't want you in there, especially when I'm cooking."

George nodded, understanding.

"Kardac is your responsibility, not mine, so you have to feed him and take care of him."

That made sense to George.

"I have keys to everywhere in the house, so don't expect to get away with locking yourself in a room for hours at a time."

"Also, I'm in charge, you listen to me no matter what. If you choose not to listen to me, I could either shock you or lock you in your room for hours on end, with no type of entertainment."

George knew that all too well...

"That should be about it, you can go up to your room if you would like."

Technoblade smiled and George nodded his head. He made his way upstairs, opening his room door. He got into his bed hiding under the covers, the door was pushed open by Kardac walking and before jumping on George's bed.

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