Chapter One | Taken

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~Dream's P.O.V~

Dream twirled the knife in his grasp, spinning his chair side-to-side, watching the security cameras. The phone next to him started buzzing. He sighed loudly, activating his voice changer before putting it on speaker.

"Sapnap, what do you want?" Dreamer always knew who was going to be on the other end before they spoke. No one knew how.

"Dreamer, Sir?" Sapnap's voice broke through the phone nervously.

"I have other things to do, make this quick!" Dreamer said, annoyed.

It shook Sapnap, so he quickly started talking. "The new arrivals should be there any moment." Dreamer gave a quick 'Mhm' and hung up quickly after.

Dream didn't talk long to anyone. No one knew his face or pretty much anything about him. Dream clicked through his live camera feed and couldn't find anything too interesting to him so he found a random victim.

With a flick of a button, a loud blow-horn sounded, scaring the unknowing subject. Dreamer chuckled, it never got old. Scaring them is always fun to him.

Most of his subjects were asleep so Dreamer was bored. He hated being bored. Dreamer was about to get up and make his own entertainment when there was a screeching. Dreamer's face lit up.

Thank you, gods of death. Dreamer found the right camera, showing a brown-haired male with spikes in his hair, screaming profanities and pulling on his restraints.

Dreamer pushed a button, watching closely as the clear liquid in the hanging bag beside the victim started flowing into his I.V. The subject glanced over at his I.V and panicked. He knew within a few minutes, they would be out cold.

Dreamer watched with sadistic anticipation. Their head went limp and they stopped struggling, all together laying still. Dreamer smirked under his mask, hitting another button.

He got up, unlocking several locks on The Security Room's door before happily walking towards his subject's room. He typed in the passcode, undoing the metal chain lock before stepping inside. He smiled.

Finally some entertainment!

Dreamer undid the restraints, letting the subject fall to the floor with a loud thump. Dreamer laughed maniacally, violently grabbing the subject and flinging him over his shoulder at the waist.

Dreamer walked down the halls, contemplating which location he wanted to take his subject to. He decided he wanted something violent to keep his entertainment peaked.

He passed through several halls, finally finding a room he wanted. There was a sign that hung on the door that read: "The Chomper". He put in the passcode, entering the room.

"Boys!" He whistled. The group of hungry German Shepherds rushed over to their master, wagging their tails. "I got dinner!" He leaned down and they barked happily.

Dreamer walked past them and the dogs followed, ready for their meal. Dream dropped the body into the room, putting his hands on his hips with a smile.

"What about that, boys?" He petted the closest dog and the others hopped on Dreamer to get his affection. He played with his dogs while waiting for his subject to begin to wake.

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