Chapter Six | Assistant

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~George's P.O.V~

George woke up feeling much better, he knew that he fell unconscious. He pushed himself out of the bed, he paced around the room until the door opened revealing the masked killer. "Dream?" George walked over to him, he held out his hand, halting George. George looked into his soulless eyes, begging, George wasn't sure what he wanted from the killer but he wanted something. 

George refused to catch the killer's eyes.  He messed with his hands until he felt a weight on top of him. He looked up to be face to face with the killer's mask. Dream held George's small wrists together, George refused to leave his view. "Eyes..." The Dreamer's voice was soft, almost as if it could be easily shattered.

George closed his eyes, awaiting the warmth of the killer's lips. When he got them he didn't want to let them go. He wanted nothing more but to pull the killer closer, though he knew he wasn't allowed to touch him.

George hit the back of the headboard, being held into place by the killer. George wondered what the killer's face looked like.

When Dream's lips left George's he whined, he craved the touch.

"You can open your eyes," George had mixed feelings.

If Dream loved him then why is he chained?

"Dream?" George looked into his dead eyes of his mask, the Dreamer brought his attention back to George. He nodded his head showing that he was listening to some extent.

"Why? If you love me? Why am I tied? Why can't I see you? Why can't I touch you?"

The Dreamer looked taken back by the questions. Dream looked right into his eyes, taking George's hands, "I won't let you leave me..."

George didn't take Dream as the clingy type, but not like George knew anything about the killer besides what he had asked and what had been answered.

"Why would I leave you?" Though George said it, he didn't mean it. George would leave, this was no life to live, confined, unsocialized, hearing screams.

"You're lying, I've been torturing people for years, you don't think I can't tell when they are lying?" he got George beat.

George sighed, "I want to go home, this is no life to live, the screams... the blood... I just can't, I love you but... I can't stay here..."

George could never tell how Dream reacted due to the mask.

George jumped when he heard a bang, "No! You don't have a choice! You're not leaving!"

George watched as Dream left his room, slamming the door.

George knew Dream was upset, he was asking personal questions and threatening to leave. Two things which Dream hated.


Days went by, there was no sign of Dream. With no socialization, George got anxious.

George looked up at the camera, "Dream?" There was no response.

After bothering Dream for several minutes, begging to get his attention, the door opened.

Dream pushed him against the wall, you could see the rage in his eyes, "Shut up!" George bit his lip, nodding.

"Dream..." George whined in a hushed voice. Dream watched George closely. "You're not leaving, George, ever." George looked down at his hands.

George knew nothing would change, George belonged to the killer, the brand said so.

George was startled when the door shut, The Dreamer had left. He let out a sigh, heading back over to his bed.

George was startled by an alarm he had never heard before. He rushed over to the door trying to hear what was going on. He heard many voices but one stood out, Bad...

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