Cara Burgess

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Extra Detailed Character! Yay? SquishyDaUnicorn LOOK HOW DETAILED IT IS CHAN. :D

Cara Burgess

Maternal Grandparents; Eileen Snape (née Prince) Tobias Snape.

Paternal Grandparents; Peter Yinsen, Wendy Yinsen (née Burgess)

Maternal Uncle; Severus Snape

Paternal Aunts and Uncles; Ibarra Cole (née Yinsen, Born 1963.) Riley Cole (Born 1961, Married 1983) Felicity Bailey (née Yinsen, Born 1961) Samuel Bailey (Born 1962, Married 1982)

Cousins; Veronica Cole (Born 1983) Zachary Cole (Born 1984) Bethany, Bridget, and Benjamin Cole (Born 1987) Samuel Bailey Jr. (Born 1981) Caroline Bailey (Born 1983) Vincent and Rachel Bailey (Born 1985)

Mother; Nyx Burgess (née Snape, Born 1961, Married 1977, Died 1985)

Father; Lance Burgess (Born 1959, Married 1977, Died 1985)

Born; February 14th 1978

Siblings; Isaac (Born 1978) Orion and Elliot Burgess (Born 1982, Died 1985)

House; Gryffindor

Personality; {Pre 1985} Outgoing and cheerful, never not seen smiling. Would gladly make a fool out of herself to get others to smile. Great love for her family. {After 1985} She became an introverted recluse other than with Severus and eventually the Weasley Twins, Lee Jordan, and their friends. Her bravery stems from the need to protect those she loves as she couldn't when her family died. She's kind and selfless and confident in her looks but hates her eyes because after her mother's death everyone told her she had her eyes.

Wand; 10 inch willow with veela hair

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

Lao Tzu

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