Hugs are the cure for everything

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It was a bright, sunny day and Ranboo was walking down the prime path. He was quite nervous, but also excited- Tommy and Tubbo had just come back from the disc war finale- both having won against and overpowered Dream. Ranboo wanted to talk to Tommy- and catch up with him. They hadn't talked in a while. 

He reached Tommy's plot of land and his tall tower. Ranboo always liked that tower, something about it made it seem comforting. He looked over to Tommy's house, a chuckle came out of his mouth. The small dirt house of Tommy's was something that Tommy was somehow proud of. It amazed Ranboo how much Tommy cared about it, always tending the flowers and protecting them as much as he could. He couldn't do much of that while he was away in exile but now it looked spotless. 

His long train of thoughts was broken by a loud sob from inside the house. He rushed over to the door and knocked on it. 

'Tommy?' he said with a worried voice. 

'Who's there!' shouted Tommy, his voice cracking. Ranboo could hear that he had been crying. His heart hurt at the sound of Tommy's voice.

'Tommy, let me in please.. it's me- Ranboo.' replied Ranboo. 

'Just leave Boob boy. I don't want  anyone here right now..' murmured Tommy. 

'But Toms, I-' whispered Ranboo.

'I said LEAVE!' Tommy interrupted. 

Ranboo knew he couldn't just leave when Tommy was in this kind of state, but he realised that Tommy needed space, so he said:

"Ok Tommy, but just call me if you need anything..' As Ranboo began to walk away from the door, he heard a frantic voice say: 

'Wait please don't leave Ranboo.. I'm sorry..' Ranboo teleported inside the house and said:

'No need to be sorry man.' whispered Ranboo softly. Tommy's eyes were red and puffy and he had tear stains running down his cheeks. 

'Aww.. Tommy..' muttered Ranboo as Tommy made an attempt to hide his face. Ranboo held Tommy's hand and teleported them both to Tommy's extra large couch and hugged him. Tommy gasped in surprise and to Ranboo's surprise, hugged him back. 'Ranboo I just... I'm really sorry that you have to see me like this.. I just miss.. L'Manberg. I miss when everything was simple. I miss when me and Tubbo used to laugh and play and... most of all... I miss Wilbur.' Ranboo was surprised at this sudden outbreak and he felt his back become damp with tears. Ranboo felt so bad that he wasn't here to help Tommy before, but he was now. 

'Tommy, just know that I will never leave you, and you're one of my best friends. I really want you to be happy and I'll try my best to fill the holes in your heart.' whispered Ranboo. He calmed Tommy down and they both eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. Tommy was Ranboo's friend and therefore, it was his duty to make him feel safe. Ranboo was going to make sure that he protected Tommy.

506 words

Thank you for reading! This is my first fan fiction and I hope you enjoyed :D


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