Daily Prompt: That message was meant for somebody else

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Scorpius, Albus and Rose were sitting at the Hog's Head, on one of the visits to the village.

Scorpius' cell phone trembled in his pocket and he sighed - Damn, he can't stop - he said as he picked up the cell phone that his father had gotten him after discoer that 'wonderful technology' and to communicate more easily when he was outside Hogwarts – Must be the tenth message I get from him! And the last ones were mugis...

- Emojis - Rose corrected.

- What? – said the two friends.

Scorpius showed the messages he had received that dayHe's been silly! There it is, another one: now he sent a tongue out and a snake? What's the meaning of this?

- Your father? This can only be codes – asks Albus – Something with the Slytherin?

- I don't understand what he means by these codes! I don't answer, hope he stops with this but no... Should I be worried about my father's sanity...?

- Scorp – Rose laughed when she picked up his cell phone and realized - I think that message was meant for somebody else... He's sending naughty messages to someone, these are cheeky emojis!

-No, no... Who does that? How? For whom?

- Didn't you say he had a mystery girlfriend?

- Yes, but only because I heard him talking to someone on the cell phone, but he never confirmed it. Oh my Merlin, is he sending to me think that sent to she?

- How funny, your number is exactly the same as my mother's except for the last number, which... Oh Morgana! – she screamed and dropped her cell phone scared – Oh my praise Merlin!

- What's happening?

- No! Don't see! Believe in me, you cannot want see this – she said with her eyes closed, her hands covering her face and very blushing – He is definitely sending messages to the wrong person! No look, oh my Merlin, how shall I face your father now? He send nudes!

Curious Scorpius picked up his cell phone with Albus peering over his shoulder - What are nudes? - and after seeing it, he prayed to all the dead magicians that he would erase the memory of having just seen an image of his father completely naked.

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