Real Friendship

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My Life
A lonely one
Barely any friends
Ever since little
Bullied and picked on as well
Always the small one
Always the weak one
Always the different one
The scaredy cat
Afraid to do anything
Cautious of everything
Regretting it afterwards
Loosing an opportunity to have fun
Then I had a friend
So different and strange
Just like me
Talking about everything we know
Everything we like
Being so alike
I had gotten stronger by then
I had shown people I'm not a crybaby
Because of that, I became lonely
Luckily we had become friends
After a year we were separated
I became lonely again
I craved that hunger
The hunger to show off
To show I'm stronger then I look
Smarter then I look
I hurt people
They hurt physically
I hurt internally
Emotionally, Mentally
After some time death lingered in mind
My mind
I wanted to disappear
I made friends
But none like me
Like her
I could tell
I was a nuisance
I have always been
I was always the first to speak
Except for her
I always remembered her
After two years we reunited
Though had conflicting schedules
We rarely talk and see each other
Yet in our hearts we are still
The best of friends

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