chapter 4

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"Skylar Aubrey Jones". Why did they mention my name in their conversation I thought to myself by this time they had already left the park.

I decided to go back to the bench I was intitially sitting on and take a rest since home was a no go area. I still kept thinking what my name had to do with their conversation, maybe Jenny had good reasons but I was set on asking her when next I see her. My eyes became heavier and heavier by the second that I didn't know when sleep took over.

"Hm, hm hm" I groaned. Someone was gently waking me up. I opened my eyes to see a guy who looked liked the one Jenny was talking to yesterday but he had black hair instead maybe I was delusional or my mind wasn't working properly. 

"Ummm who are you?" I asked groggily.

"I'm Ryan Peters, I live down the block"came his reply. " I was walking by the park this morning and saw you sleeping here and wanted to inquire if you were alright"then he flashed me a heart warming smile

"Yeah, I'm good, just umm decided to relax here a bit" I was lying but still I couldn't tell him that my house isn't a suitable area to live in and I was thereby left with the only option to sleep in a park, like that would creep him out plus I only just met the dude.

He raised a quizzical brow at me and shrugged. "Well it looks as if you've been "relaxing" her for more than a bit". Like who could blame him for saying such, I mean you should have seen me, my hair was disheveled, my gown was torn and dirty and let's not forget I was bruised on my arms and legs.

I turned my head not wanting to answer and stood up from my lying position and stretched. He kept staring at me with a funny look that I didn't understand.

"Why are you staring at me" I asked a bit offended.

"Umm nothing, but you got something right here" then he pulled out a twig from my hair like just great.

To say I was surprised was an understatement.

"Was that the only thing that was in my hair",I said while frantically rubbing my hair multiple times and to my utter astonishment leaves fell out from the pit I called a hair.

Ryan stood there arms crossed and cheeks puffed, then in a split second he bursted out laughing. I noticed this and stopped my antiques and started grinning like a freaking clown, like I'm such a weirdo.

He got himself together and looked at me directly. Gosh to say he was good looking would be an understatement, from his wonderful grey eyes, little freckles, a well defined jaw line....what the heck was happening to me and when did I start noticing the features of a boy.

"Are you checking me out"he said teasingly.

"No of course not, why would I do that" I said

He simply smirked, "okay if you say so, plus there's one last thing you didn't get out of your hair cute girl then he pulled out a leaf.

Did he just call me cute, a boy just called me cute, what the flip was happening to me, boys are distractions and I wouldn't get distracted, I kept repeating to myself. I got myself together and manage to speak.

"Thanks for helping me get  everything out of my hair, and sorry I didn't tell you my name, am Skylar but you can call me Skye"

"Skye? Nice name, seeing you makes me think I would have a great day ahead,let's hope it's all clear skies."

I laughed at his play with words. "Well catch you later Skye, maybe  we might bump into each other one of  these days"he said .

"I hope we would"came my reply "bye".

He walked off and I slumped on my bench, I used my hands to rub my face and my cheeks felt hot, was I blushing, that can't be happening, I don't do boys.

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