Chapter 1

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Hi guys so this is my first story on wattpad which means this is also my first time writing a boyxboy fanfic i hope you enjoy
WARNING: i guess i'll put this for future reference there WIIL be smut scenes and TONS of fluff. And there relationship will move quite fast.
Alright now on with le story

Oh and picture of Jamie at the top ~

Jamie's P.O.V



I was suddenly woken up from my peaceful slumber to the sound of my louder than necessary, annoying alarm clock signifying that I have to get up to start my first day at my new school in a whole new state half way across from where I used to live. Fun. Not to mention that it's already 6 months into the school year.

"Jamie get your butt out of bed right this minute and get dressed for school" my mother yelled from down stairs. I sighed "let's do this". I got up and went straight to the shower. I washed my hair with my favorite yummy vanilla scented shampoo. I love smelling nice with so called 'girly' scents.

Did I mention I was gay?

I just hope that all the homophobes that are bound to be at school leave me alone this year. I would like to get through my senior year in one piece. When I finished my shower I got out and looked in the mirror I was pretty plain with my dull blondish brown hair and brown eyes compared to my sister her had light blonde hair and blue eyes that she got after my mom. I'm also quite short for my age. 17 and 5'4. I have a small petite body and I'm slightly curvy around my let's say... Hip area, thanks to my mom. I have a bit of a tummy not that I'm fat but more like a little baby pudgy like stomach along with my slightly pudgy cheeks. My grandma says I look 'adorable' but I can't see it.

Once I finished brushing my teeth I slid on some skinny jeans or should I say tried to slide on some skinny jeans over my butt.. After a few minutes of struggling I got them on. To finish my look I put on a regular hoodie and some converse. I know. Outfit of the year. Somebody call vogue. Anyways I walked down stairs to find that my mom and Abigail, my sister who is one year older than me and is currently taking a year off from college to party and what not, were already eating breakfast.

I went over to the counter and Abigail looked at me with disgust "Oh great the loser arrived. This is my cue to leave, I'm gonna go look around this dump maybe find a mall or something then I'm going to the gym. Bye mom" then she was out the door. Such a nice sister I have.

I sat down and started eating some cereal. "Hurry up your going to be late for your first day of school and i want you to be early so you make a good impression with your teachers I expect you to get straight A's young man" my mom lectured on and on.

"Yes ma'am"

I understand that I need to get good grades, I have gotten them ever since I can remember. After my dad left my mom for a younger women when I was 7 money was hard on us, my mom then becoming a single mother working 2 jobs. so I need a scholarship to go to college. Abigail basically slept her way into going to a college.

"And I don't want you to get distracted with any girls either unless it's a nice church girl with a nice background and family and I approve." My mother added.

Did I mention that my family doesn't know I'm gay? No? My bad.

I glanced down at my phone seeing that I was going to be late so I quickly ran and hoped in my mom's car. A minute later she joined me, started the car and just like that I was off to my first day at my new school.

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