Chapter 13 *

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yay I updated so soon WOOO.

Question for chapter: I made a new cover for the story. Do you like it?

Also every one please go check out my friend madithemarshmallow story its really good!

Now on with the chapter!

Dals P.O.V (from when Jamie fell sleep on the bus)

As the driver started the bus I felt Jamie stir below me. looking down I saw that Jamie was fast asleep in my arms snuggling up on my chest when he felt the bus move forward, his small hands clutching my shirt bringing himself closer to me.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around my little kitten to keep him warm while possessively keeping my arm around him. I'm surprised none of the teachers have complained that he was on my lap. you would think it would be a safety hazard, guess they're probably to scared to try and tell me what I can and can't do.

I looked back down at the tiny sleeping boy in my arms. He looked so beautiful with his slightly chubby cheek pressed against my chest causing his mouth to be slightly opened giving out small puffs of air. I moved a piece of his hair away from his forehead making his face scrunch up adorably, he looked so innocent, like a baby, my baby.

I bent my head down pressing a sweet kiss to the top of his head smiling down at him but was interrupted to the sound of someone clearing their throat. I looked to my side where the noise came from seeing that lame girl who follows me and Jamie around glaring at my sleeping beauty. she's really starting to piss me the fuck off.

"um hey dal.." she started off trying to look innocent twirling her fingers together in her lap.

"I was wondering since as you can see I forgot my jacket at home and seeing that Jamie already has a sweater on and you brought a blanket if you could maybe let me us-" I cut her off.

"so let me get this straight. you want me to give you my blanket that my kitten is using right now to you?. because your stupid enough to have forget your jacket? and why would I do that? your nothing to me and to be frank I don't give to shits if your cold or not." I angrily spat out towards her.

I hate how people think they can talk to me. the only person I care and will ever care about is Jamie.


After a long 4 hours of sitting on the bus with my arms wrapped around Jamie finally we reached the cabins.

I gently shook Jamie trying to wake him as everyone started boarding off the bus.

He stirred a little bit before stretching his arms up wrapping them around my neck. Eyes still closed.

"As much as I like you in this position we have to get up now kitten." I whispered in his ear.

Immediately he lifted his head up cheeks a rosy red.

Climbing off of me he yawned stretching his little arms.

Jamie's P.O.V

As me and dal walked off of the bus from the corner of my eye I could see the old bus driver starting at me not wanting to think much of it I just shook it off following dal to were everyone standing.

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