Chapter 9

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okay so here's an update I didn't do any updates last weekend (sorry).

oh and im bringing back lily if you forgot who she was, she was Jamie's friend, kind of they met in the first chapter and like I completely forgot about her someone had to remind me LMFAO.

Question for the chapter: what's your favorite animal? mine is a wolf.

Alright so lets get started

Dal's P.O.V

I woke up around 6am.

I was about to get up but was stopped by a small body pressed to mine. I looked down seeing Jamie curled up into my side with his little dainty arms wrapped around my side.

the memories of last played through my head. just the thought of Jamie's mother was starting to piss me off how could she hit her own son? Jamie looked so vulnerable and sad I had to get him out of there, so I took him to my place. I don't know what I'm going to do now.

I don't want Jamie to go back in that house with that woman but then again he is her son after all. I'm not sure if she is just trying to get used to the thought of him being gay or if she is a full on homophobe.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my alarm clock went off signifying that it was time to start getting dressed for school.

I looked down at my sleeping boy again, he looked so adorable sleeping his beautiful pink plump lips parted slightly as he let out soft puffs of air. his cheeks were a light shade of pink. he even blushes in his sleep?

I swear he's going to be the death of me.

I absolutely love it how he blushes when he's embarrassed and how he gets so flustered or the way he cuddles into my side to hide his face into my chest. he's just so...innocent.

I honestly think I'm falling for this boy which is weird coming from me. I never thought I would be in a relationship with anyone. I'm so used to just having one night stands with different girls every night, now here I am in a relationship with the most adorably amazing person I have ever met not to mention he's a guy.

Never in a million years would i have thought that I would be in a relationship with a guy...I'm not gay...but I guess its okay if its with jamie. He's the only person that I ever want to be with. He makes me unbelievably happy.

Jamie stirred in his sleep mumbling something incoherent then tightening his little arms that were wrapped around.

"Jamie its time to get up" I whispered in his ear.


"baby you have to get ready for school"

"Mmm no" he mumbled cuddling his face in my chest.

I chuckled moving his face back where I can see it. I came up with an idea to get him up, I started giving him sweet kisses in between trying to wake him up.


He stirred a bit more before blinking up at me with his big brown eyes. He must of realized how i woke him up because he started blushing hiding his face in my chest.

I laughed. "Come on kitten don't be shy we have to start getting ready for school."

He nodded and got up going straight to the bathroom. I was about to get up when Jamie peeked his head into my room.

"C-can I use your shower?" He asked shyly

"Of course baby" I smiled warmly at him.
I put one of my hoodies and his jeans outside of the door for when he gets out.

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