Chapter 10

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Logafeirian groaned in frustration once more as he slammed down the quill he'd been attempting, and failing, to use properly. Having pounded on the desk with the flat of his palm, the whole desk rattled and caused the ink canister, which had been precariously placed in his aggravation, fell over, black ink spilling over the desk. Logafeirian cursed as he stood up to make sure none of it would spill on his clothes and picked up the small ink pot back up before trying to find something to clean the ink with. It had already ruined the letter he had begun to write, which was more than frustrating.

It had taken long enough to get the few lines of chicken scratch to be remotely legible, not that it was very easily read, but now he would have to do it all over again. Logafeirian left the ink-soaked parchment on the desk and left in search of some towels or something to clean this up with. He was only a shapeshifter, not lucky enough to retain any elemental powers from his bloodline. If he had, maybe he could have been able to pull the water from outside the porthole window and clean the mess for him. Sure that was an extreme case, and very few magic users had that much control and power, but it was still a fantasy that he deemed would have been rather convenient on more than one occasion. Damn these hands.

Logafeirian threw the door to his room open. He was lucky, apparently. Or perhaps unlucky. He wasn't sure what to make of the fact that he was one of three men aboard this crew that had the privy of a private room, the others being the Captain and The Crown Prince himself. However, Logafeirian was well aware the aspect of him having a room to himself was not of any respect or courtesy to him, but rather out of fear. Prince Roman had been the only one aboard the ship not to glare at him when they thought he wasn't looking or avert their gaze when their eyes met or avoid being within a few feet of him.

Logaferian was actually rather intrigued by the prince. Sure, he didn't seem the most aware, he was the one who broke the treaty due to what seemed nothing more than foolishness, afterall, but he was still interesting. He was a royal, and the only royal human Logafeirian had ever interacted with, and he had a unique way of presenting around the others that changed when he was with himself. Perhaps it was based on some sort of hierarchy. From what it seemed, Roman was rather kind, letting him ride with him and even attempting to answer some of Logafeirian's inquiries about some of the technologies he had seen on the way to port. It seemed that fate had destined for the prince to be summoned at the very thought of him, as he bumped straight into Roman.

"Hey, watch," his tone was dark and cold until he met eyes with the fae, who at this closeness, realized he was only just taller than the prince, perhaps by an inch at most. "Logan!" the prince greeted with a smile that Logafeirian did not return, "fancy meeting you at this moment."

"That is not my name," Logaferirian pointed out coldly. Roman rolled his eyes in a way that was almost unbecoming of him. Still, Logafeirian waited for an explanation.

"I know it's not your name," Roman admitted, "but I can't really pronounce your name correctly." Logan narrowed his eyes slightly. He opened his mouth to explain how really simple it was to say, before deciding the ink spill was a slightly more pressing matter.

"A discussion for another time," he muttered. "Seeing as you are here, however, perhaps you can assist me? I seem to have spilled some ink on my desk, and I wish to clean it. Would you be able to show me in the direction of cleaning supplies?" he requested. Roman blinked at him for a moment.

"Cleaning supplies- but- well, I thought fae had magic? Can you not use your magic to clean it?" he asked, what Logafeirian felt, was stupidly.

"If I could, would you really think I would not have already attempted to do so?" he asked sharply, making The Crown Prince's face flinch slightly, but his body remained as it was. Honestly, if he had blinked, Logan wouldn't have noticed any movement at all. His stoic response was mildly impressive. Most fae would have been at Logafeirian's throat if he had dared speak to them with such a tone, unless it was one of his shadowing librarians, of course. They respected him greatly. They all revered Logafeirian. He sighed. "If you cannot assist me then-"

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