The Battle - Part 1

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Thank you to lvca_arts (Kea) for the art!

Hey everyone! Sorry this didn't get posted last night, I was so exhausted that as I was doing final edits I fell asleep with my tablet on my lap! So so sorry about that. But I got up extra early to get it to you ASAP!!!

NOTE: For those of you that want to wait until the art is finished, I 100% intend to keep you posted as soon as art is done so you can race over. This is how I would recommend reading this chapter, simply because the art is going to add to the story SOOO much! But of course you're welcome to read now if that is your choice :) Either way thank you so much for supporting this story! It wouldn't have been possible without you amazing readers!!!

And with that - Enjoy Part one of...

The Battle

Alberto POV

Alberto crouched in the semi-darkness, the wind ruffling his hair. He and Mattias were on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Portorosso's main square. They instructed the rest of Thomaso's men to claim the other rooftops and create a barrier to the south. Once Eshe's ship pushed the Visconti from the beaches, Massimo and the other men would be waiting for them.

The only problem was....

Where was Eshe?

"I still don't see them," Alberto whispered to Mattias, handing him the binoculars.

"We still have time."

By that, he meant they had minutes. Literal minutes before the first rays of light made it bright enough to see. The stars began flickering away, saying goodbye to the night.

Alberto's heart was racing. He wanted to change right there, but it was too risky. His bulk in Rusal form might be spotted. He was about to insist on another turn with the binoculars when something caught his eyes.

Alberto squinted and saw a pair of black figures running between the alleys, carrying long rods on their backs.

"Mattias, did you see that?" He whispered.

"What?" The doctor hissed, still looking at the horizon.

Then Alberto saw it again. Five this time. And there was no mistaking what those metal rods were on their backs. Guns.

"What are they doing?" Alberto thought. "There shouldn't be this many guards this early."

Visconti guards were lining the alley walls. They moved quietly. But it was the way they moved. In groups. Organized and precise.

Alberto's gut dropped.

"They know we are coming."

He turned to tell Mattias, but the doctor whispered excitedly.

"There they are!"

To his horror, Alberto saw the faint outline of a ship heading directly for the harbor.

"Mattias, tell them to turn around!!!"Alberto said in a screaming whisper.

"What are you-?"

Then the doctor saw it too. More Visconti men were gathering, preparing in the square.

"Shit." He said, ripping the handheld radio from his pocket. This radio was only good for short distances, but it should be enough to reach the ship now.

"Eshe, come in! Eshe!" Mattias whispered into the receiver.


Alberto began to panic. More men came flooding in. There were... too many.

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