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Spectacular accomplishment at PWC was finally achieved with Ash's victory over his toughest oppenent yet Leon , you would have expected Ash to be the happiest person in the world after that right

Yea ... well not really

Becoming the very best was Ash's dream indeed but what he didn't realize until after becoming the strongest was that the title took away half the enjoyment he found in pokemon travelling since he practically was at the top and was scared that he might just have reached his limit in terms of getting stronger and that there was nobody else to chase , regular people won't battle him thinking they stand no chance against the world champion and that extreme popularity , something Ash could never really get used to became a part of his everyday life . One can say he not only inherited the title from Leon but also his entire burden , and while the former champion of Galar was used to this kind of fame since a long time our kid from Pallet who was but a mere kid found it hard to deal with such kind of life.

Goh left Vermilion city to become a permanent part of Project Mew making Ash the sole research fellow, while he still liked the job it just wasn't quite the same without his new best friend ( other than Pikachu ofcorse ) and was just lying on the ground in the Cerise labs for the most part sleeping when not on a mission , on one such day.

" No Kyogre don't flood the world AAAA- oh wait " Ash woke up from a seemingly disastrous dream seeing Chloe in front of him alongside his Dracovish who used watergun.

" Great , a good way to ruin a nice nap . What do you guys even want ? "  he asked in an annoying manner as Chloe eagerly answered

" I have nothing against anyone taking naps but that's really all you seem to do these days , not very 'Ash Ketchum ' like if you would ask me " as Dracovish agreed with its iconic speech.

" You act asif you know me well or something, we practically don't even know each other properly despite me being here for months" Ash replied while being himself amused while saying so considering in usual circumstances he easily becomes friends with everyone.

" Well you know what they say , you don't need to read a dictionary to know what Alphabets are , in other words while I don't know you that well it's a child's play to understand what kind of person you are" Chloe said while giving food to Dracovish

" I don't remember anyone ever saying that proverb but fair enough , but I think you already know why I- "

" am relaxing cuz I have nothing cool to do now ? Yea you have said it before and frankly that's a pretty cringe excuse for the world champion " Chloe didn't let him finish

" Cmon stop calling me that, I don't like unnecessary fame you know"

" Well Misty mentioned quite the opposite cuz 'A trainer who won't stop bragging about the 2 badges he got by luck' isn't what you are right now " Chloe spoke from her encounter with Misty in the audience of the PWC finals

" (sometimes that Misty still irritates me) that was ages ago and nobody likes a person who keeps praising himself "

" and nobody likes a world champion who does nothing but sleep on grass cuz he has nothing better to do, really I thought it was just your way to relax after a big victory but for more than 2 weeks straight ! no adventures , no training , no battling ? Seriously Ketchum? " Chloe said while showing an unamused face waving 2 tickets in her hand

"  Now what's that ? "

" Unova region amusement park tickets , not a gift rather an order from dad cuz he knows if he doesn't state it like this you won't agree " Chloe chuckled .

" Hah Prof was right and while I don't wanna , he knows that I am not the one to disobey orders , but why are there 2 of them  ? "

" I will accompany you "

" you knew I would try to somehow not go there right "

Chloe just smiled as her expressions talked for herself.

" Guess you know me better than I thought "

With excitement Chloe said "Well then like Goh always used to say, LETS GO "

To be continued

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