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Ah Unova, Ash had good memories attached to this region and some NOT very good ones too. Specifically, Nibasa city as something happened here that's better left forgotten. It was his slump region, he never told anyone but honestly, he was in a weird state of mind after being decimated by Tobias the first time visiting here, coming here back after being the world champion was honestly refreshing to an extent. But the nostalgia didn't last long when Chloe exclaimed "let's go there already "

" I think I should go meet Iris instead-"

" Yea that's your excuse cuz your friend lives 10 towns away and even reaching there would take 6 hours, don't try to fool me "

" ( How did she become so smart ?) Alright then, you do you " Ash replied giving up on arguing, he had traveled enough to realize he can't win against a girl in any conversation.

" But you know, you could go to one of the battle facilities if you wanted to " Chloe replied in an optimistic tone

" I thought too, but there's no point, even when I do try to enter in such battle clubs nobody would fight thinking there's no chance they would be able to beat the 'world champion'. Ingo and Emmett I know for a matter of fact would have loved to battle me in regular circumstances but Ingo went missing a month back and I don't think Emmnet would be in the mood to battle right now "

" I see.... well forget that then let's go explore the city, " Chloe said while forcefully dragging Ash's hand 

Ash didn't tell her but he had been to this park before long ago with Iris as they spent a day together having fun .... " Just where did all that fun go to? " He questioned himself while sighing.

Ash, Pikachu, and Chloe went to all the events, a basketball tournament between 2 random teams ( being one of the only events there when Ash was visibly more excited than Chloe ) a tennis match between Ash's Sirfetch'd and Pikachu using their Leek and tails respectively, a pokemon musical, attended a few rides and then ate ice cream which Ash would love till the end of the time no matter what the circumstances, Chloe smiled while he ate it enthusiastically, she was surprised to see Ash's signature happiness back to his face which she had not seen for a while.

" Did me accidentally covering my entire face with cream is the reason for your laughter ?" Ash questioned intriguingly while trying to clean his face.

" Not exactly, it's just nice to see you act normal again, You look much better than while we were back in Kanto " Chloe replied. Ash went into deep thought while she said that suddenly the big speakers at the amusement park started reciting some news " The Ferris Wheel shall start in 2 hours approximately, everyone is requested "

" 2 hours eh .... well then let's make the best use of that time, " Chloe said while pointing a Pokeball at Ash.

" Wha-" 

" I challenge you to a pokemon battle " Chloe didn't even let him finish, the look on Ash's face was worth a million bucks. But he quickly shrugged it off to return a smile.

While watching directly into her eyes face to face without questioning her intentions he said in his usual confident style " Ah yes like the old saying goes  'The moment the eyes of 2 trainers meet a battle is bound to happen but you do know that I am not gonna go easy on you just cuz you are a rookie right? "

" Ah I assure you don't hold anything back, give me your best shot," she said in a rather captivating manner 

Ash used Pikachu while Chloe used Eevee as the fight started 

" Pikachu use thunderbolt "

" Eevee dodge it with the quick attack " 

the fight started with a blast from the thunderbolt destroying the rocks on Chloe's side of the field, she was in trouble cuz she knew that one full power thunderbolt from Pikachu's side and she might as well have lost, she had to pay close attention to everything if she was to have any hope in staying in the fight for long 

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