--Meet ????????--

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Narrator/Author POV:
"I'm just gonna watch you guys rappin." Y/N said.

--The Song be playing:


<Timeskips after Bosip and Boyfriend's Rap Battle>

The sun was going down and the moon was already out.
Just wait a minute. I mean so that rap battle was that long??
Like an few hours? How??

"Wow... That went worse than I thought.... Oh well.... Atleast I can managed to do my best while I could." Bosip said with a tired and heavy breath voice.

"Bap!(Good Job!)" Boyfriend cheers!

"Dude!... How are we supposed to get out of here now? At this rate, we'll never able to go home!" Bob said.

"Oh man.... He's here..." Y/N with a frowned face whispering Theirselves knowing...

"Hm... Yeah you're right... We've been out here for an entire day, the moon is already out. That little dude has got some mad skills to be working us up like this..."

The phone rings...

"Uh... Bosip? What's wrong with your phone?" Bob said. Bosip grabs his phone then accidentally dropped it cuz it shaking itself...

"Hmm? Who's calling us this late?" "What's happening to it? Your screen... It's..." Bosip cutted him. "HUh... I don't really know... Why is it glowing like that?" Bosip's phone starts glowing....

"Hey you guys, what's up!" A familliar voice came in...

FNF!AmorAltra POV:
"How is everyone doing after your little match? Hahahah... I hope ya'll fine after that fiasco..." I said to everyone.

"Amor! Uhhh... Mind helping us finally get out of here?" As bosip said. Bob sweating wanted to get out of here.

"Yeah man, this little guy here as has been kicking our ass left and right. We've been stuck here all day!" Bob said. Boyfriend looked at bob with an annoying or disappointed face.

"Please tell me you know a way out of all this... We really need to leave...." "I just wanted to move on the next game already!" Bosip and Bob begging me already wanted to leave. Can't believe they fall on my trick/plan >:)!

"Alright, Alright. Let's simmer down now dudes... I'll make sure to get out you both of this mess, Okay? Get Boyfriend over here for me if you can.." I said to bob and bosip. I looked around and someone looked at me, A person looking at me with an frowned face and looked away from me. Hm... What's with them?

"Hey, you're the person that bosip talking about?" I said to the person, Bob, Bosip, Bf and Gf turned to H/C haired Y/G. And they look up at me.

"What?" They respond with a rude voice. Wow rude :/.

"Hey? Are you ok bro? You seem kinda rude, hehe..." As i said to them. "Btw, What's your.. name?" I added. "It's Y/N, its their name amor.." Bosip said looked at them. Y/N... Pretty name i guess, it fits them!

"Yeah... That's my name, Y/N..." They mumbled. I guess they are shy?? or something... Oh wait...

"You got sucked in the portal, right miss/sir?" "I just fall asleep on my computer/laptop, and i ended in here.... so I dont know why..." They mumbled. Are they real person from Canon world??

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