--Meeting Boyfriend and Girlfriend--

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Bob POV:
"B-BOSIP OH MY GOSH!..." I got shocked when the person fall Infront us, Good thing, they're not bleeding "HOly shIT!" Me and Bosip help the Person to get up and place them in the bench. Gosh, they're so heavy....

"Hello? Amor, There's a person falling Infront of us when we got out of the portal" Bosip said on the phone calling Amor for help. "Oh? Thank you."

Bosip hangs up the phone "What did he says?" I said "Hm... He said.. [Amor:Oh really, hm..? How did they get here? It must be a person got sucked in that universe... Don't worry, I'll help it, if I have time.]" Bosip explained.

I look in their face checking if their ok. I see their beautiful face, Oh my gosh they're so beau- BOB SNAP IT OUT! Me hitting my head.

"Uh, Bob? You ok there?" "Yes, I'm fine.." I said. Looking their face made me blus-AURHH STOP!

"Hm... Ok then.." Bosip said. "Wait.... Where are we?" Bosip Realized that we're not in Minecraft. "Oh yeah... WHERE ARE WE??" I shocked.

"Wait, I'ma call him quick again.." Bosip grabs his phone and call him..

Bosip POV:
*ring ring* "yes? Whassup again, bosip?" "Where are we?" "What?" "Where are we? Me and Bob realized that we're not in Minecraft, Where are we?"

"Oh! Well you're in Friday night funkin!" "Friday Night Funkin?..." I said looking at bob looking at the person. "Well, It's a rhythm game! That you can hit arrows to beat!"

"Hm, is that so? Btw why we here?" "Oh, well I get an idea to make a mod about You and Bob"

<Few hours/minutes.... When After AmorAltra Explains to bosip>

I sigh "ok then, well me and bob will meet Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" I said looked at Bob "Yeah!" "Ok, thank you. Bye!" I hangup the phone.

"Any News?" Bob said.

<After Bosip Explains to Bob>

Bob POV:
"Heh heh... I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll be in Rapping Tough" Bosip giggles.

"Huh? What was that even mean? Why do we need to Rap battle to leave? And WHO THE HELL EVEN NAME THEMSELVES 'Boyfriend' AND 'Girlfriend'? Was that their parents??" I said annoyingly

He sighs "Don't worry about it bob. I'm positive we'll regonized them the moment we run into them. Let's not panic! Especially that Person we've helped" Bosip turns to the person and so did I.

I sighs "ok-" "Beep boop?" I got cut by a blue/cyan haired midget boy holding a microphone. And a Auburn/Red haired Girl Taller than him.

"Wha-What the? Is that them?" I said "Ahh, are you 'Boyfriend'?"

"Beep!" Blue/cyan haired midget boy said. "I guess we've found them!" Bosip said

"Woah... Now really? This is the guy? Damn he's tiny! Like, Midget small." I said. 'Boyfriend' looked at me annoyed. His eyes and his head turns the person.

"Beep?" Boyfriend points at the person. "Beep boop beedep?" "What? Bosip I can't understand him but I know what he mean.."



Don't worry guys, you'll wake up in the next chapter I'm sure:D.

April 11, 2022

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