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I feel nervous about bosip said... "Uh-uhm.... " Man, fuck.. I don't want to end this dream....

"Bosip, I think you're scaring th-" Bob cut by... "Beep!" "Oh hoh hOh.... Oh well.... I knew my downfall was going to happen eventually... I had fun battling against you tough, good game indeed" I heard amor...

"Be right back" Bob rans towards Amor "Wait for me, Bob!" Bosip follows to Bob.

Bob POV:
"Bap!(Yeah!)" Boyfriend said.

I ran to Amor and "Now, Just wait a minute... Amor?? Hey? You realized that you just lost right? How the hell are we supposed to go back home now??" I said to him.

"Bob, you should really calm no-" "Not only that, What do you MEAN by "You knew it?! You already knew you're gonna lose or something?!" I cutted bosip and yelled at amor.

"Hahahah.... Yup! You see, I did all of this on purpose! It's actually because of something I've planning on making for a while!" He said, did he mean....

"P-planning.. what" "Wh-what are you..." Our eyes widening and shocked at the same time.

"So you see, I've been inspired by the amount of talent in this community. I decided to make a mod myself so I put you two here in this game..... In order to create my own mod! He added. Me and Bosip just standing, I felt upset about amor doing this on purpose... He been planning all of this?!

"Although... I didn't know that it would have taken you guys this long to finish it!" He laughs then coughs...
He clears his throats...

"Why are you all just standing there? Are you guys confused? What's the matter here?" He asked.... I think I couldn't hold my anger right now...

In few seconds of silence... I decided to "WHAT THE FUCK!? AMOR?!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!??" I Yelled

"BOB! CALM DOWN-" "NEXT TIME, ATLEAST WARN ME!"I cutted bosip again, fuck why?.... Why is he planning this?.. (A/N: Yeah, I don't have lines for bob but I copy one(I put lil different cuz yeah-) of fanfiction called Bosip x "Wolf!Reader" I think that is the name title.

Here's the screenshot:

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Now let's continue.)


Bob POV:
"Bob... Calm down..." I felt someone's hand touches my shoulder, I look behind and see Y/N... I calm down,put my arms down and smiled.

I sighed...

"Well that sure was lot of fun! But I think you guys should stay there especially you Y/N, for awhile longer so that could get to know surroundings better" he sa-

"Btw, I knew this would come! See yah lovebirds!" Amor teased, my eyes widening and Red blush appears in my face.

"Amor WAI-" I got cut when he disappeared. I felt embarrassed... Covering my face. I felt Y/N embarrassed too..

"Now, what are we... Gonna do... today?" Bosip Asked.

"I don't know... Wait, Hey boyfriend, we don't have a place to stay, so can we.... Stay your house especially Y/N instead?" I asked to boyfriend...

"Beep boop!(Ok, follow me!)" Boyfriend replied.

I sighed in relief... "Ok thanks, btw I'm sorry for what I said when I first met saw you..." Boyfriend turn behind him "it's ok-" Boyfriend suddenly covers his mouth. I suspiciously-

"Boyfriend! When you start speaking English right now?!" Girlfriend said to Boyfriend. "Beep bop!(Let's just go!)" Boyfriend said. Ugh man... Gonna ignore that.

<In Boyfriend's House>

I knew boyfriend can speak English because of different mods and fanfictions on wattpad in there but I think in this time... What? (A/N: Yeah, when they were bored, they read on wattpad just like me or just you👺)

I followed boyfriend to the guest rooms. woah, he really have a nice guest rooms, I amazed, looked at boyfriend then he smiled.

"Beep baboop!(here's your bed!)" He said, I could literally understand what he saying cuz I saw some letters in his chest?...(A/N: FUCKING FOURTH WALL BREAKER!!/J)

I walk to my bed and lies down.... Ahh~~ feels so comfortable...

Bob was in bottom bed and Bosip was in top bed (A/N:🧐😳) and mine was in the other bed.

Something glows into my pocket...

"What the..." I looked down on my pocket and then grabs what inside....

A phone... A PHONE??? I jumped in my bed then I got hit on the top bed behind-

"Y/N Are you ok?!" Bosip got up and asked me. "I'm ok, bosip..." I said.. "if you say so..." Bosip lies down.

OH MY GOSH, IS THIS MY PHONE??? (A/N:Yes dumb floppy bitch🙄🙄/hj sorry for being rude-) I exited and wait.... Why did this happen, I thought phones never existe- oh... Nvm, I just saw- oh wait no... Ugh Enough overthinking Y/N! I guess I might sleep cuz im tired...

My eyes opened forgot to say "Goodnight guys!" I said to them. "Goodnight you too!" All of them said.

Now sleep Y/N.. I hugged my pillow and smiled... Goodbye Bob, Bosip, Boyfriend and Girlfriend....


Ngl, I kinda messed up making this 😭

I'm gonna edit/fix the mistakes that I messed up on it.

Btw, thank you for 100+ Views/Reads!
I really appreciated Thank you so much!

April 16, 2022

Blueberry boy🫐~ [Bob x Reader] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now