--It wasn't a dream...?--

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Narrator/Author POV:
It's morning.... I place a note next to Y/N...
Y/N slowly awakes and...

"Wait what?..." They confused why they still here in this dream and they notice there is a note that I put next to them...

They took the note and read it...

'Hi, so your confused why you still here in this "dream" but this is not a dream... and btw, your wish came true now... I hope you can meet other character mods...If your deadline in 6 months, I'll make an option... I put your stuffs and clothes especially your computer/laptop. So...have fun exploring! Don't worry about your parents btw, LOLOLOL!!'


"It wasn't a dream..." I got shocked and happy at the same time but deadline at 6 months?! I mean... It wouldn't be that bad option they will make... Thanks to the 'TorisaMadri' Girl or a boy.. I guess?

I got hyped, jumped and bumped my head to the top bed, ugh... I groned in pain of my head...

I noticed Bob and Bosip wasn't in their bed... I think they getting some their breakfast... I smiled.

I got up in the bed and open the door.

Going to the kitchen and saw Girlfriend cooking some breakfast today.. wow.. I walked to Girlfriend and I sniff at Girl's cooking.. (A/N: HELP, WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS RIGHT NOW, I SMELLED THAT SOMETHING GOOD IN MY NOSE BUT HOW DID I SMELLED THAT😭😭??!)

"Good morning, smells good Y/N?" She said. Wow, she's really good at cooking oh my gosh... She smirked knowing she's good at cooking...

"Hehe.. yeah it is, and good morning girlfriend." I said to her.

I turned behind me I saw Bf, Bob and Bosip sitting on the table, waiting.

"Good morning Y/N, Good sleep?" Bosip Asked me and I giggled "Yeah bosip, you guys?" I asked to them.

"Yeah!" "Just good." "Beep!(Yes!)" They responded. I sit next to boyfriend.

"The breakfast is ready!!" Girlfriend walks to the table, gave us our breakfast.

"Thank you so much, Girl!" Girlfriend smiled as I gave her a nickname.

Everyone get ready to eat their br- (A/N: Y/N.. How many fuking times you saying breakfast 😭😭😭 oh my gosh-)

eakfast. I eat my own and.... Mhmm~~ Yummy!

"This is so yummy! Thank you!" As Bob said while eating their breakfast faster than sonic/hj

I chuckled at him. "I agree to Bob. Thanks for the breakfast girlfriend! You really are good at cooking." As Bosip said. Girl make a happy sound as a appreciate.

"Beep!" Bf agreed. "Aww guys, you really appreciate my cooking! You're welcome guys!" Girl said.

<After eating their breakfast>


As Y/N walked around the house, They saw bosip standing, talking to his phone..

"Hehe, sorry about that bobal... Don't worry, we will be back there, I'm sure.." "YOU BETTER BE!" The phone hungs. Bosip sighed and he noticed Y/N looking at him.

"Oh! Hey Y/N." "Hey bosip, Are you talking to bobal?" Y/N asked him "Hm, yeah. How did you know him?" He asked.

"Well, I heard you while calling him." "Oh yeah, that make sense.. So, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh nothing bosip, just walking around here in this house..." I said. "Yeah, this place is so nice here." He said and they agreed.

"Hey bosip, where's bob?" Y/N asked him "Hm.. I don't know... Maybe he's in Boyfriend's room, I guess?" "Oh thank you bosip!" Y/N rans to boyfriend's room.

Bosip sighed and smiled while his arms crossed "They look cute if they were together..."



Im still working "Happy easter day speacial", cuz my brain gonna rot hm.

April 19, 2022

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