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please ignore the mistakes. enjoy!

⚠️ warning: alcohol usage, intentional/unintentional drug usage, attempted sexual assault/attempted rape. DO NOT read if uncomfortable. don't say i didn't warn you. i do not condone any hateful/malicious actions the character would execute on this chap. and again, this is a work of FICTION.

unsurprisingly, narae is right there already at the house's entrance waiting for him. her clothing is well.. too revealing for jeongguk's liking considering that the night is young and cold. but if that's what makes the girl feel pretty, he guesses he doesn't have any say on it. the sun is just about to set, ready to take a break from a long day of work, yet the sound coming from the house in front of him tells him that the party has been going on for a little while now.

“ggukie!” narae greeted him upon seeing the other, and jeongguk addressed her with a nod. without saying anything after that, they both started entering the house and much to jeongguk's disappointment, the party looks like the typical college night outs he has heard. loud, sweaty, and well, blinking lights everywhere. and it's too crowded, really a typical party.

“i'll introduce you to some people i know, c'mon!” the girl did not wait for any response as she drag jeongguk towards a group of girls and a couple of guys hanging out on the sofa. jeongguk can hear them chatting loudly, red cups sporting their hands, but they soon stopped upon noticing their presence.

“guys! i brought someone! his name is jeongguk, from the department of arts” narae cheerfully introduced him to the group, to which he gave a polite smile. he's not in the mood to talk but he doesn't want to appear rude so he just nodded timidly at those people who greeted him.

“is she your boyfriend, narae? you two look good together!” one girl from the group spoke up. jeongguk was about to shake his head and tell her that no, they're not together when narae beats him to it.

“well, i can't tell you guys right now. it's actually complicated” and narae even has the nerve to giggle while covering her mouth. jeongguk looks at her, confused and somewhat annoyed. he's not sure if the girl is just messing around with him but still, what the professor said to him a while ago about narae crossed his mind.

and so he decided to excuse himself for a bit, just to find at least a secluded place and to cool down too, maybe with the help of alcohol. he heads to what he is supposed to as the kitchen, finding it nearly empty if not for a couple lounging on the kitchen top, making out. whatever.

he luckily found a stool on the countertop, so he sat there and turned his back to the couple. there, it's less noisy. and he's thanking gods that the couple decided to leave the kitchen right as he sat there. maybe both found it weird that someone like jeongguk would be willing to hear them make out loudly.

jeongguk shrugged, now he needs some booze. acting freely, he rummages through the refrigerator like he owns the house. people inside are too wasted to care. he found beer bottles inside which he takes five from mindlessly. i'll get wasted, go home and suffer tomorrow if ever a hangover comes. he said to himself, avoiding the thought that taehyung would possibly be waiting for him. today, he'll clear his mind with his newfound buddies, these bottles of beer.

so he drinks. and drink and drink. the music is faint from where he's at but the loud voices from the party goers aren't. shouting, howling, and everything. college parties really are wild, how come most of the students enjoy something like this? jeongguk can't understand. or maybe he's just a killjoy who doesn't know how to have fun. whatever, everyone has a different taste.

“enjoying yourself?” narae suddenly appeared in front of him. he just nodded at her and offered an opened bottle in her direction. the girl took it with a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face. they clinked their drinks and took a shot at the same time.

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