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please ignore the mistakes. enjoy!

||; this may still graduate
oh i remember that moment does not change..

true to his words, jeongguk waited for him at the university gate even though he purposely arrived an hour late. he knew what he did was absurd, thinking jeongguk would finally leave him but alas, the student is still there standing with phone on his hand. the resemblance of anger from waiting for too long can't be seen on his expression, not even he's frowning. his expression is neutral but if you'll focus closely, a hint of gleam on his eyes is evident.

so taehyung has no choice but to approach the younger because unknowingly, the guilt starts to crawl on him. and he really hates that feeling.

"mr. jeon" he softly called out his student who in response, immediately turned to him with the same big grin taehyung loathed (not really).

jeongguk composed himself instantly, running a subtle gaze on taehyung's whole being. "i honestly thought you'd ditch me and i was about to leave after an hour just to make sure you already left," he said, a pinch of nervousness on his voice but taehyung failed to notice.

wrong move, taehyung! you should've stayed for two more hours and wait for him to leave! the evil thought popped up on his head but taehyung is quick to shake it off. he knew that if he did stay for more hours, the guilt of making someone waits for him will eat him whole.

so he settled with a sigh, "let's get this over with already. this is just a one time thing mr. jeon, please don't set your hopes high."

his student however, just shrugged at him with a small smirk on his lips. taehyung didn't fight the urge to roll his eyes so he did. too much confident will lead you nowhere. does he even know that?

jeongguk started to walk, taking the lead to the cafe's direction but taehyung stopped him.

"i have a car with me.."

"then leave it, professor. i can always walk you back here on university later. walking is way much sweeter, don't you think?" jeongguk replied, following his usual wink after.

taehyung may or may not feel a hot rush of blood on his cheeks at that because fuck, his student is undeniably handsome. but he's still arrogant kim taehyung! know your limits! he scolded his own self.

sighing, he followed jeongguk who's starting to take the way to the cafe. that is until, the phone of the younger rings.

"oh. hold on for a second" jeongguk said. taehyung can't help but to roll his eyes at the younger's impolite manner.

he watch as the younger answered his phone.

"uh, hello hyung.. was about to go to persona, why?.. but i have plans for today with someone.." jeongguk sends a glance on taehyung who only raised his eyebrow at the mention of 'someone'.
"what? i can't just cancel this! and no, he won't accept your invitation, he's a busy person! ..okay sorry.. but hyungggg he won't agree, i'm serious! aish fine!" the younger ended the call with now sour expression on his face.

taehyung looked at him with curious expression.

"our aunt came back from busan and now she's on our place to pay a visit. my brother wants me home right now but i don't want to because i have plans with you today. but he's really persistent" jeongguk groaned.

"he said if i can't cancel my plan, he'll force me to take a 2-week shift on his shop. of course it's a big no for me! it's either i'll go home and cancel our plan or i'll go home and take you with m-"

PROFESSOR HOTTIE | TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now