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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I have cramps, my whole body hurts and I'm depressed af.

I swear people are twenty times more annoying when you're on your period.

Like, I can barely walk because my legs and waist are so sore and I was tired af, so I stayed in bed all day.

Then, someone started being loud as all fuck when they were two inches away from me.

Like wtf?

Oh yeah, and I hate when people say I'm too young to be depressed...

I'm gonna say this in the most polite way possible.

Bitch, you got me fucked up. Depression doesn't have a fuckin' age. I've seen ten years olds depressed. So, correct your shit. Last time I fuckin' checked, cutting myself, not crying a lot because I cried all the tears outta me, not eating sometimes because I feel fat, suicide attempts and sadness are bold signs of depression. Hop the fuck off.

Oh, and I hate when people say that cutters cut for attention.

What? No, people cut because they are upset and feel like adding extra pain to their life won't affect them since they're already feeling plenty of it. Ignorant people these fuckin' days. That sounds stupid af to say that.

And I hate when the people who make others feel bad about themselves feel upset when people call them the fuck out.

For fuckin' example:

* Judges me for an hour straight until I curse them the fuck out *

Bitch: Malikah, that was really disrespectful to call me a bitch

Me: I don't give a fuck, you wouldn't stop judging and criticizing me.

Bitch: You're so fake. You judge me all the time.

Me: *sips my bomb ass tea*
Saying I judge you, but I don't even associate myself with you or talk to you that much.

We live in a fucked world.

Anyway, I wanted to try to keep my mind off of stuff, so I made a Stay Away 3 Cast video.

I didn't make one of Stay Away 2 because it was basically the same characters.

So, yeah.

I hope you like it.

If you can't see it, comment below so I can inbox you or kik you the link.

Peace out homies.

PS: I want Nutella so bad right now.

~ Malikah

Stay Away 3 (sequel to Stay Away 2) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now