Chapter 16

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Justin's POV:

"I hate this!," Melissa screams on her way up the stairs.

I feel Bella flinch in my arms at Melissa's loud volume, her hazel orbs staring into mine.

"Isn't Mommy loud as fuck?"

My eyes widen as I realize I swore in front of her again.

I swear I can't control it.

I walk up the stairs in a calm and steady pace holding Bella against my hip, before entering my bedroom and seeing Melissa scavenge through the closet.

"Baby, you're taking this way too seriously," I inform her.

She pokes her head out of the closet.

"Justin, this is serious! I can't find it and it's making me feel like a bad wife!"

"Melissa, you'll find the wedding ring. I can also buy you another."

"No! You can't buy me another because it won't be as special! Justin, that was your mother's ring that you gave to me as a wedding ring! It's priceless!"

She closes the closet door and scans her eyes around the room.

She's been like this for an hour straight.

I place Bella on her stomach on the bed, allowing her to watch her mother flip her shit.

"Where could it be?!"

I look around the room until my eyes stop and stare at something on the floor.

I chuckle, catching Melissa's attention. I crouch down and grab Melissa's wedding ring, seeing her grow angry.

She snatches it out of my hand.

"You see me flipping out over something so important to me and you fuckin' laugh at me! You're such a dick!"

She goes to storm off, but I pull her into my chest with one arm.

"What the fu-"

I silence her by crashing our lips together and squeezing her ass hard, causing her to moan through the kiss.

I have a little saying for situations like this.

When she's mad and gives you sass, all you gotta do is squeeze her ass.

She can't stay mad at you.

I feel her cup my face in her hands before wrapping both her arms around my neck.

I pull away to catch my breath.

I peck her nose, seeing her award winning smile after.

"Relax baby. I knew you would find it."

I turn my head and see Bella giving us a small smile.

"Justin, when was the last time she ate?," Melissa asks.

"An hour ago," I answer.

"Great, so she has an hour or two left."

She lets go and places her ring on her finger.

"That's better," she breathes out.

* Later *

"Damn Bieber. You really did that?"

"Hell yes," I reply to Leo's question.

He takes huff of his cigarette, blowing out the smoke to the side.

My moon shines its bright light while we stand on the doorstep, continuing to have our conversation.

"You actually did all the shit after your mom died? Seems like a rough time."

Stay Away 3 (sequel to Stay Away 2) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now