This tea bomb af ☕

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Y'all want some tea?

Let me tell you how I go 0 to 100 real quick.

If you don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you.

Once you talk shit, I correct your ass.

I used to just let shit happen. I used to just allow every single thing to get to me, I allowed everyone to walk over me.

Not anymore, you got me fucked up.

About two weeks ago, I started to stand up for myself with my bomb ass tea.

It feels amazing.

I think its safe to say that my depression is getting slightly better.

That's weird to say. That I like it.

Once I curse someone the fuck out, they look lost af.

They're not used to me saying things back. Lol

Oh, this is random as fuck. But, I don't like when guys say they don't like girls who curse or expect a girl to change themselves for them.

*chokes on bomb ass tea*

The actual fuck is up with your high maintenance ass? I don't give a shit what your type is, I didn't motherfuckin ask you. Shit, you better look the other fuckin' way and look for another girl.

Every girl in this world is so fuckin' beautiful and for you to walk past every single one of them and expect someone better is fucked up.

I'll spill my fuckin' tea on you.

Some guys are so ungrateful. Damn.


And I'm still thinking about who I want as my book editor.. Its hard af because I love you all so much.

I'll eventually pick lol.

Alright. I'm out.

I'll update soon.

I got work and other shit. I'll update when I can.

Only 4 chaps left.

Peace out.

~ Malikah

Stay Away 3 (sequel to Stay Away 2) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now