Chapter 5...

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On the plane...

Quincy's POV

"Your flight will soon end, thank you for flying air Miami." Some lady said over the PA.

"Hey babe, babe wake up!" I shook Danny.

"Hmmm? Leave me be."

"Danny wake up, we're almost there." He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You know how pretty you are, right?" I just looked into his eyes.

"Only because you tell me." He leaned in and kissed me right in front of everyone. How sweet. He's been acting different lately, like something just made him happy. "Hey babe?"

"Yes dear?" I wasn't sure if would understand what I'm asking.

"Are you okay?" He looked confused at me.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"No I'm saying you seem extra happy!" He smiled.

"We'll I'm glad. Because it wouldn't be fun if I wasn't happy now would it?" He said poking my nose.

"No it would be awful." As long as it stays this way ill be fine."

"So are you excited?"

"Of course I am. Nothing could ruin this for us!" He looked into my eyes.

"Nothing?" I shook my head. "Okay I'll remember that." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What do you..." I was cut off by the lady over the mic again.

"We are about to land please put on your seatbelt's and hold onto any loose objects. We will be dismissing you by rows. Until then stay put. Thank you." Danny turned to me and grabbed my hand.

"Ready to go have some fun?" I nodded and waited for the plane to land.


Skipping the plane stuff and checking into the hotel. This is now the next morning.


We were both really excited to hit the beach that we were rushing around all morning. Last night was weird it was the first time Danny and I slept in the same bed without an adult somewhere else in the house listening. But we were both too tired to realize it, it was this morning when we actually realized we were alone.

Since we don't want to break the bank we went to the store last night an got food to make instead of ordering in every night. But anyway I was now making breakfast as Danny was getting ready to shower.

"You could join me you know." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. Pushing his face into my neck.

"Yeah I could and yet I won't." He started sucking on my neck trying to convince me. "Anyway the foods gonna burn."

"Let it burn." He growled into my neck.

"Danny go take a shower." He grabbed my wrist.

"Okay but not without you."

"Danny just go take a shower please..." He gripped my wrist tighter. "Alone." His face lost its smile.

"Fine, but I will be back for you." He said walking into the bathroom. "I'll leave the door unlocked just in case you change you mind."

"I won't be."

"Okay." Then the door shut. I love him to death don't get me wrong he's just to much to handle sometimes. He like a little kid, I have to keep him entertained.

"Oh shit!!" I heard Danny's voice yell through the door. I rushed to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Are you.." He had a smile on his face. "What are you smiling about?" He grabbed the short that were sitting on his hips.

"I knew you would change your mind." I rolled my eyes and left. Ass. I went back to cooking my food. Just as I was reaching for the plate in the cupboard above the fridge, I felt two strong arms wrap around me.

"I will get them babe." I couldn't get out of his grip so I let him get them. He reached above me and pulled down a stack of plates. "Here my beauty." I grabbed the plates from him. He looked at me funny and pulled me back to his body. "Do you have something to say?" I smirked to myself.

"I could have got them myself." He picked me up bridal style.

"Wrong answer." He ran over to our bed and threw me on it. He leaned in and started kissing my neck.


"You like that?" I pushed him off my neck.

"No stop." He still sat on me. Then he leaned down and kissed my lips. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I didn't give it to him. He pulled back and looked at me.

"What wrong with you?" I sat up and pulled my legs out from underneath him.

"Me?" I said pointing to myself. "What's wrong with you?" I said pointing to him. "Your acting like a fucking sex drived monster!" He smirked.

"Good." He started sucking on my neck again. "Just relax."

"Danny I want to go to the beach." I whined.

"We'll get there, I promise." I was able to get out of his grip. I grabbed my towel and sunglasses. He still sat on the bed surprised I got out of his grip. I walked into the bathroom to see this huge purplish-red mark on my neck. Not cool, he's gonna pay. I walked out of the bathroom and over to our bed. I threw my towel and sunglasses aside. He had his phone in his hands looking down at it. Not this time, I'm going to beat the phone. I pulled down my sundress showing my white jewel in crested bikini. He still looks down. Damn it! I walk over to stand in front if him and grabbed the phone pulling it up my stomach and against my breast. He now was looking, with lust in his eyes might I add. I pushed his bare chest down, so his back was against the bed. He of course was letting me. I straddled his lap, sitting on his "area". He was propped up on his elbows, looking very confused.

"Why so confused?" I knew why, because I was acting like him!

"Because just not even two minuets ago you were getting mad at me for doing this to you."

"But now I have to even." I say pointing to my neck. He smirked at his creation. "No not funny." He broke my concentration on purpose, he flipped us over.

"I'm the man, I stay on top."

"Just because your a man doesn't mean you get top."

"Your right the dominate one gets top, so again me." He reaches his hands around my back and untied my bikini top. He stared at my breast, I actually was okay with it. He made out with me for awhile before he pulled my bottoms down. He was having a problem in his own bottoms so he pulled away long enough to get his shorts off. He was huge, I was now afraid hoping it wouldn't hurt that bad.

I'm not going to be a virgin after today was the only thought I had.


Authors note

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile school takes up most of my time and I didn't have much time this past weekend.. Haha sorry if only you knew... In but anyway I will try to get six up by Monday.

Bye lovelies.

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