Chapter 8...

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Danny was standing behind me. "Babe what's wrong with you?" I started to say 

"You think if I kn-" before I was cut off with vomit again. He had my hair held between his fingers. The other was rubbing my back.  

"It's okay we'll figure out what's wrong." Finally when I stopped heaving I wiped my mouth and laid down on the bed. I took a few deep breathes and closed my eyes... I wish I knew why I was sick.

Harry's POV 

We tried to enjoy the rest of our lunch, but Louis wouldn't let the situation drop. 

"What does that dick think he's doing?! What an ass hole!" He was fuming.  

"Like seriously first of all you don't call my mate gay then accuse him of having mind sex. Like what the hell." Niall added. 

"Well..." I offered. 

"Harry what did you do?" Liam questioned. 

"I did kinda fuck with her mind..." I trail off. All the boys except Lou gave me wide eyes. I just shrugged. 

"She was hot and so innocent looking, but you could definitely tell she's far from innocent." 

"Harry Styles! Are you telling me that... Oh my god." Liam covered his face. "I can't believe you." I raised my hands in defense.

"Hey, unlike some of you I'm not tied down to one girl." 

"Don't you want to find the one, Harry?" Zayn questioned me. 

"I'm nineteen I have years to find the one. I want to experience a lot more of life -" 

"You mean girls..." Lou interrupted me." 

"Life in general-" 



"What it's true." 

"Okay yes I would like to enjoy having sex with different girls before I settle, but that's not the only reason." Zayn turned his face toward me. 

"You don't necessarily have to be single to do that..." He trailed off, but we all heard him. 



"What are you talking about?" 

"I'm just saying you don't have to be single to have sex with other girls... You should be, but you don't have to be." Again he kept his voice low.  

"Zayn did you cheat on Perrie?" He put his head down. Liam and Louis just stared at him with shock. The food that Niall had just put in his mouth, fell out. I didn't want him to feel awkward, but I had to ask him. 

"How many times?" I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was started to tear up.

"Can we not talk about this please?" Liam rose out of his chair. 

"How many times Zayn!?" 

"It lasted two weeks." 

"TWO WEEKS?!" Liam shouted. I hated that Zayn getting all this hate, I know what he's going through. 

"Liam leave him alone-" 

"Zayn she's the best girlfriend you've ever had! How could you do that to her!? Your... your an ass hole!" Zayn was letting the tears flow. Niall was sitting next to him doing nothing. Lou was just sitting there with his hands crossed in his face. "You know what Zayn I would expect that kind of behavior from Harry," my jaw dropped. "But you? I don't get it, because obviously you weren't drunk because it lasted two weeks! So what possessed you to do such a vulgar act?"  

"Okay excuse you, Mr.Prefect, but I do not fuck around when I'm in a relationship." I stood up and pointed a finger in Liam direction. "You know what, you think your better than all of us because you have had the longest and best relationship with a girl... Well you want to know something Danielle said you're boring. And know what she said to me? She said I wish Liam would rub off on you guys a little and let lose. Have you even had sex with her?" 

"Of course I have!" 

"Well she obviously didn't like it that much, because she still says you're boring as fuck- oh wait now it makes since... The person is only as fun as they perform."  

"Ooh." Lou ad Niall muttered under their breathe. 

"At least Zayn and I have girls interested." 

"Ooh, Harry... you're a bastard." Liam yelled. Louis stood up. 

"You guys people are starting to stare why don't we go back to the rooms and settle this." I'm not... No not happening. 

"I not going back there with him." I pointed to Liam.

"Good because I really don't need to have a man whore in my vicinity." I just smiled and chuckled to myself. 

"Not even worth it." I turned my back and started to walk. 

"Where you going go Harry? You can't leave Florida till the concerts are over." Louis spoke. I turned back around. 

"Zayn, come along. You don't need to be in this shit." He immediately stood up and walked to my side, wiping his face. I turned back around and continued to walk. 

"You have to be on stage tonight Harry! You can't leave!" 

"Well that's too bad, huh?" I called behind me. Zayn tried not to smile, but I could see it. We walked out of the doors and I'm not sure where were going.

Quincy's POV 

I woke up from my nap feeling so nauseated. Danny was no where in sight. 

"Babe?" No reply. "Baby? Where are you?" I heard voices from outside the door. I moved closer to the door. I quickly opened it to find the guy I wasn't expecting to find. It was Harry and Zayn. When Harry saw me and had to take a double take. He smiled and went to say something, but then stopped.  

"Cat got your tongue?" Zayn asked him. He gave him a sideways glare. 

"I don't wanna get her in trouble." I smiled. 

"Well thanks, but he's not here." I spoke to him. He chuckled. 

"Where'd he run off to... hell?" I tried not to laugh by biting my lip. He pointed at me. "I saw that." I gave him a playful glare. 

"Did you? Whoops." I shrugged. Oh no... I felt it coming back up. I quickly ran to the close bathroom.  

"Quincy?" I heard my name being called behind me. I was already throwing up. I felt hands grab my hair. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I was able to stop for a second. 

"You think I can answer you? I'm throwing up my guts right no-" there I went again. He continued to rub my back. After about five minuets of dry heaving. He finally spoke again. "Quincy what's happening?" I think I know.  

"I'm not sure exactly, but I think...I'm pregnant."

Authors note. 

Wow this took me a long time. I think I will get an update up sometime this week if I can.

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