✟ Praise The Lord ✟

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Molly's POV

Mary and I were talking while working,  "You take Orders, i'll bring them out." Mary said, "Alright!" I replied,  Mary and I were taking over a shift for someone who was at the doctor's office,   "Do you think  people will think we're strange?" Mary asked,   "Most likely, but that's a good thing." I replied, as we both started to laugh.  Thankfully the cafe wasn't busy in the morning, it was  actually pretty calm when the place isn't busy.  

The door opened up, Mary and I looked over expecting to see new people, but it was John and Korey,  looks like they wanted to work on their music here today.   Xavier and Alex would of joined them but they liked the quiet  alone time,   "Molly, they sat down, I think it's time for you to take their orders." Mary said as she smiled at me.   "This is going to be strange." I replied,

I got up from my chair and started to walk over, I was at the table they were at,  they didn't really notice me since Korey was on her laptop working on music, and John was wearing headphones listening to what Korey was working on.  "Hello you two, welcome to Foxy Cafe, what can I get you?" I asked with a smile on my face, trying not to hide the blush,  It was pretty awkward for me for some reason.   Korey looked at me with a smile and it looked like she paused the demo she  wanted John to listen to, which had John take off the headphones and look at me with a big smile.  "could we just have water?" Korey  asked,  John nod.   I guess they just wanted to spend time with me at my shift and work at the same time.   

"Alright,   it'll be out in a second." I said as I was about to walk off but John stopped me.   "Molly, when does your shift end?" John asked,  I looked at him.   "In an hour." I replied as I smiled and walked off, John placed the headphones back on and Korey resumed the demo.  I told Mary what they wanted.  "Seems like they just came here to work in peace and to see what you were doing for the sick worker." Mary replied,   "Yeah I guess so." I said,  Mary walked over and gave them their water which was free so we didn't have to worry about them unless they wanted to order something to eat.   "Our shift is almost over!" Mary said as she was looking at the clock.  

Before I could say anything I heard arguing,   "Oh no, they're arguing in the kitchen.." I said,   "Who's going to deal with it today?" Mary asked,   "I guess I will.." I replied,  "I'll go tell John and Korey what's going on so they don't think you were part of the fight." Mary  said as she walked over to them,  I walked into the kitchen preparing to get attacked, I enter the kitchen to see  two grown men fighting over something being overcooked.   "You two, what's going on?" I asked. 

"Josh, doesn't understand how to cook! He should be fired!!"  Ash yelled,  Josh started to throw a plate, but Ash dodges it which thankfully I was quickly to dodge but.. the plate  flew out of the window, where Mary and I told them what to prepare,   We heard  a scream, and it sounded like the manger, which made Ash and Josh have a "uh oh" face.   Before I could say anything the manger was in the kitchen with a plate that didn't break.   "Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" I asked,   "Who DID this." the manger asked,   "It was us, we're sorry." Ash and Josh said.  
"Thank you for admitting, but now you'll have to deal with a punishment, as for you Molly thank you for taking on this shift!" the manger replied as she hugged me.  I smiled.   I walked out of the kitchen, just  before the manger was about to yell at those two troublemakers.   I looked over and saw a worried Korey and John looking at me,  I just sighed and walked over to them.  "Don't worry you two, i'm fine." I said as they hugged me.     "I'm glad to see you okay,  when Mary told us what you were about to do we started to pray to The Lord to protect you and it looks like he did protect you." John said as he was looking at me.  I smiled,  "Before we take you home, we have  some place we need to go." Korey replied,   "alright." I said as we all exited the building,  Mary had already left, since her dad KB  was at the cafe before the kitchen fight.

We all got into the car and drove out of the cafe parking lot.

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