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"Come on out, I can't wait to see how my new clothes look on you!" Lisa enthusiastically said to me as I changed from my school uniform into the clothes that she recently made for me.

"Just hold on a second! It takes time to change clothing!"

"You're right. This outfit is my magnum opus, so I guess it's a little difficult to contain my excitement."

I finished changing. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but agree with Lisa's statement. This looked nicer than any piece of clothing I've ever got my hands on. While I am glad that she went through the effort of making this for me, I can't help but feel guilty. She has been putting so much effort into making clothes for me recently. It must be so stressful to make these on top of working a part time job, going to school, and being part of a band. Lisa, just what motivates you to show this much charity towards me?

"Alright, I'm coming out now!" I said as I opened the door and stepped out to Lisa.

-A few weeks ago-

I walked to school treading though the freezing winter winds. The harsh wind blew hard and showed no mercy. If only I had dressed warmer for this. A few days ago, someone stole my winter jacket. My family is extremely poor and is barely able to afford clothes, let alone food. I felt as though I would get frost bite if I continued to tread through this type of weather.

"Hey, wait up!" A voice shouted from behind me. Turning around revealed a girl with long light brown haired that blew in the wind. Her kind green eyes and smile greeted me as she ran up to me.

"I've seen you walking in this cold weather without proper clothing, so I figured I would make this for you!" the girl said as she pulled out a very nice looking brown coat from her bag. To most people, this would just be a regular forgettable coat. To me, affording and wearing a coat like this was but a dream.

"A-are you sure? I mean you don't even know me." I questioned her.

"My name's Lisa Imai, nice to meet you!"

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Well, now we know each other! So, why don't you take this coat. I made it specifically for you." she affirmed as she handed me the coat. The moment I put it on, I felt the overwhelming freezing sensation leave my body.

"That coat looks great on you, if I do say so myself." She nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you so much. How can I repay you?"

"Hmm..." Lisa thought to herself for a moment, "Why don't we hang out sometime. I want to try making some clothes for guys. I'd love to make outfits for you to try on."

In that moment her smile shined bright as the sun.

-the present-

Lisa gasped as she saw me.

"You look amazing, (Y/N)." She blushed, "I can't thank you enough for being my model."

"I'm the one who should be thanking you. I mean, you're the one giving me all of this clothing for free. I feel like I'll forever be in your debt."

"I can think of a way for you to pay me back" She looked at me in the eyes with a smile, "(Y/N), please close you eyes."

Of course, I did as she said. Deafening silence filled the room for a few moments. It was if the world went still. This moment was broken by the sensation of something touching my lips. Upon opening my eyes, I was met with Lisa giving me a kiss.

I pulled away with an extremely red face.

"What's the matter? Never been kissed by a girl before?" She giggled.

"T-that's not true...I've kissed plenty of girls before."

"You're such a bad liar, you virgin...there's actually one more thing I want you to try on." She pulled a collar out of her bag.

"A collar?" I asked, "That doesn't really seem like it would compliment the rest of this outfit."

"Just put it on." She asserted with a much more serious tone. Not thinking much more of it, I put it on.

"Now tell me how this feels." She said as I felt a strong shocking sensation overwhelm my body for a second.

"Lisa, what the hell?! Is this a shock collar?" I yelled at her. I attempted to get the collar off, but was unable to.

"Fufufu, yes it is. You'll be my good little boy and do as I say, right?"

"What are you doing, Lisa?"

"I thinking I should be honest with you. I was the one who stole your coat. I couldn't think of a way to approach you, so I figured I would impress you by making you a nice coat!"

"What does that have to do with this?"

"Well, you see, (Y/N)" She looked at me with lust, "I've had my eyes on you for awhile. I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop myself. I just had to have you all to myself. You don't mind if I keep you all to myself, do you?"

During the weeks that we've known each other, I had developed some feelings for her. I know that I'm dense, but I didn't suspect that she had liked me back. Even so, there was no way to know that she liked me to the point of it being an obsession.

"I like you too, Lisa. Do you have to go this far though?"

"C'mon, (Y/N), I'll give you everything that you couldn't have. I'll give you clothing, tasty food, and a nice place to live. All you have to do is be mine and mine alone."

"If I agree, then will you take this shock collar off?"

"Maybe." She giggled.

"The truth is that I wanted to live a life with you, but I never imagined it happening like this." I tried to hide my slight blush.

"Oh? Are you getting embarrassed, (Y/N)? How cute. Now, let me take this collar off of you." She got close to my face and unhinged the collar, "Remember, you are mine from now on. If I see you talking to any other girls, I'll kill them." She winked.

Despite my mind telling me to leave, I couldn't. I loved this girl too much. To me, it didn't matter that she was a little crazy for me.

"Now, shall you try on my next pair of clothes I have for you?" She winked, casually dismissed everything that just transpired.

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