You are. (and on a happy note)

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You are the rain to my fall.
My breeze to the warm summer's day.
The smell of old books in a big library.

You are the god to my thrown.
The reason I awake from the deep night,
And go to bed when it's twilight.
You make my heart race and jump from a single glance my way.
Like a soft piano playing slightly out of tune,
Or a small voice, ringing its tone.

You, my love, are the reason I am the person I am today.
The sun to my moon,
The key to my secret garden.
Just hearing your voice makes me overjoyed.
Seeing your smile makes me smile.

You are the old wood floors to my old creaky home,
My dear, you mean more than life to me.
You are my reason.
If happiness was a person you are that person.
Even when you think everything is a monster and you are a beast I see the beauty,
Even when you see the flaws I see the flawless.

You are my love, you are my life.
Some may say we are soulmates but I think we're more.
You are my twin flame.
The person I want to spend eternity with.
You are the cover to my books,
The ink to my pen.
The story to my pages.
You are a book.
A book filled with love, and compassion.
A book that would take years to finish,
You are my book.

I love you more than words can describe.
Love is not even a word that begins to understand the feeling I feel around you,
Or even near you.
You are my north star.
You, my love, led me to the right path.
You keep me on that path.
The key to my lock,
The brain to my thoughts.

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