Evil for Good

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Galvanax is not as evil as other people may think, the only reason why Galvanax wants to get the ranger's energems is because he wants to save someone whom he loves. He thinks that being the fearless monster leader would make his life better and easier, but that is far from true. Galvanax plans in creating more evil monsters to serve him, but deep inside his heart, he really wants to be good but the intention of being evil always stops him from his goal. 

Just like any person, Galvanax also had a crush before. Going back in time, it is seen that Galvanax is just like the four princes. Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel had no courage to talk to their crushes, but deep inside they cared for them and would risk their lives just to save them. Galvanax also had the same intentions for his crush. He was shy to ask her out, but he lives to regret that decision.

One day, when Galvanax was studying at his monster school, thugs arrived and asked for all the money and gold that everyone had in school. Galvanax lost the one he loved, and he promised himself that one day he would be crowned "Leader of All Monsters", Galvanax knew how to revive the people, but he needed the four energems. 

The Ranger Masters couldn't agree to give the four energems to Galvanax, because they just couldn't trust a random person without watching him, and just give the four powerful energems. "I am sorry, but we can't just give you these energems. What if you are another monster sidekick?" the Red Ranger Master said. But in the Red Ranger Master's voice, Galvanax could sense that he wanted to give the energems to him, but just couldn't because of the rules. 

Galvanax exited the Ranger Master's meeting place angrily. "I am not just a random person," Galvanax grumbled under his breath. The Ranger Masters felt sorry for Galvanax. Galvanax was so angry that he wanted to search for the energems himself, without anyone knowing. He looked at the Ranger Masters energem hideout and studied everything. The Ranger Masters saw him analyzing their energem hideout and had to hide the energem and give it to people who deserved it. 

They looked far and wide for the right people to have the energems, then the Gold Ranger Master suddenly remembered something and said, "How about the princes that we met before? Didn't they agree that when their sons turn six years old, we could give them these energems?". The other Ranger Masters also remembered the promise that the young kings made, and the Green Ranger Master got the contracts that they signed a few years back. "Then it's settled, these powerful energems will go to the hands of the princes Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel," the Ranger Masters put some magic in the energems so that they will go to the right owners.

Galvanax heard about the news and got mad about it. "Those energems should have been mine! Not to some random princes that they just heard about," Galvanax fumed. Now he has a new goal in mind, he has to steal the energems from the young princes. "I mean they're just kids, how hard could it be?" wondered Galvanax. 

The next day, Galvanax went to the Earth and searched for the princes' castles. He looked at the castle security and went back to his spaceship in disappointment. "I will need more monsters!" and so Galvanax fought many monsters and made them his monster sidekicks. 

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