Big & Bad

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"Stop it already!" Galvanax commanded his monsters. They stopped fighting, and when all of them stopped, Galvanax took out a pill, "That's just like the pill that Alice used to get bigger," James said, being from Wonderland. When Galvanax ate the pill, it worked like magic! He had gotten as big as the roof, which was pretty high. "Whoa," the four princes said in amazement. 
Just as they saw how big he was, they wondered how they could beat him. 

But when they were about to give up Scott said, "Don't worry, I built our own giant zords! We'll be able to get as big as he is when we summon them," The princes were a bit relaxed when they heard this, but then they wondered how to summon them. "Just throw your energem," he replied. When the boys threw their energems in the air, the people watching were confused on why did they just throw their energems away. But after six seconds, huge robots appeared!

"Sweet!" Francisco said. They all teleported inside their robots and started to fight with Galvanax. "This space is way too small for us to fight inside," Daniel complained. So the princes led the battle outside, it was much more spacious outside so there was no limit on where they could go.

But while they were battling, a big problem happened, their zords' battery system was getting low and needed recharging. There was no chargers or batteries insight, it was space what do you expect? "Oops, I forgot to charge these," Scott said. "Then how would we recharge these things?" Francisco asked. Hearing these, Galvanax aimed his lasers at their zords, when James saw this he aimed his canons and shot Galvanax. Galvanax was annoyed at this so he aimed at Daniel, but he was already out of lasers to use. 

So while changing the laser batteries they aimed their lasers at Galvanax. "How did you do that? I thought that you were out of batteries to use your zords?" Galvanax asked the princes. "Well, we just pranked you! These batteries never run out, we just used that to beat you! You are very gullible," the princes replied to Galvanax. This prank was the one and only James'  idea. He thought that it would be a great plan to distract Galvanax to shoot his lasers at them. 

So it took Galvanax a while to recharge his lasers. Recharging lasers mostly take about ten minutes, so during this time he got his digital sword, and tried to slay the princes' zords. But that didn't work, since the zords that the princes were using, were made out of magic-protected metal so even if you burn it, slice it or do anything to destroy it, it would still remain unharmed. 

Galvanax tried many times to break the zords, but it never really did work, plus the princes kept avoiding the sword swings so they just did that to reduce Galvanax's energy. After swinging over a hundred times, Galvanax finally got tired and started getting smaller. "The pill that he ate is starting to decay," the boys thought. Soon enough, Galvanax was as small as a mouse, when the princes saw this they got a cage and put tiny Galvanax in it. 

"We saved the day!" the princes celebrated. After saying this, the cages that the people were in broke and the lava became soft pillows. They thanked the four princes who saved their lives.
But then they saw a bright green, red, blue, and gold light.

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