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While the people gasped in horror about what situation they were in, Galvanax said to them, "You can't escape my prisons of doom! Only four certain people can get you out of here," the princes knew who they were talking about, it was them. The people wondered what kind of hero would be courageous enough to risk their lives for them. "Still clueless?" Galvanax asked them. The people nodded. "Well then, I think you know these people pretty well," he continued.

The people raised their eyebrows. "They are..." Galvanax started to say. "Please don't say it, please don't," the princes hoped. "Well I guess you don't see them not here, but they are the one and only Scott Hayes, Francisco Carter, James Jackson, and Daniel Williams," Galvanax continued. "Wow! He knows our first and last names," James said amazed. "They are very talented if the energems chose them to be their monsters. Each of them has crazy hobbies that no one else can do,"

Scott heard one of them shout, "What are the crazy talents that those princes could do that we can't?" He suddenly knew who was this "anonymous person", it was Daring. Francisco rolled his eyes when Daring said this. "Well for starters, Scott is one of the best computer scripters, when he was four years old, he was already helping his Royal Servants fix the technical difficulties around the castle. Then Francisco is the first person in the entire kingdom to memorize and win every sport made. While James can easily rhyme words and make music with them within two minutes. Lastly, Daniel mastered every musical instrument, big or small. That's what I mean by crazy talented," Galvanax replied to Daring. The boys wanted to laugh when they heard Daring have a big "Hmph" after hearing this sentence. 

But the boys laughed a little too hard. Galvanax heard them snicker and asked some of his monster servants to check on the pillars. When they checked the pillars, they were surprised to see nothing but voices. "There's nothing here boss," one of the monsters said to Galvanax. "But why do I hear laughing sounds then?" another one asked. The two monsters started arguing. "STOP IT ALREADY!" Galvanax said to them. The monsters didn't stop, so Galvanax had to get his magic scepter to get their attention. 

When Galvanax took out his computer and checked his hidden cameras in the boys' room, he saw the footage of the plan that they used to defeat "Scrapper". Galvanax heard about their plans on how to defeat that monster. "We do this, then that, and then this again," Daniel said. "Very interesting," Galvanax said. 

"Wait... that gives me an idea! What if those royal princes are wearing invisibility cloaks to stay hidden!" Galvanax said to his monsters. On that cue, the boys got their mics and started speaking very loudly.

"You caught us Galvanax," the boys said. "We have defeated every monster you have given us," Scott said. "Now it is our turn to save the land and vanquish you!" Francisco said. "This is going to be chaotic, yet awesome," James said. "The final battle begins right here, right now," Daniel continued. After that, the boys took off their cloaks and took out their weapons of choice. 

"It's party time!" the princes and Galvanax said. 

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