Settling In

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Warnings: Murder, Enforcer Violence, Flashbacks, Bloodlust

After you woke up, you spent most of your time working out and regaining your full mobility. Heather started joining you in the mornings and you realized that her bungalow was closest to yours. You found yourselves becoming fast friends. You did everything together when you could, and you loved it.

Scar was pleasant to be around. He was very protective and acted like an older brother to you and Ekko. On the days your body seemed to fail you, Scar would be there to catch you when you fell. He watched you closely as you gained your strength back and took interest in your gymnastics and ballet routines. You remembered everything Professor Uley had taught you. You would spend time stretching, testing your range of motion, and start from the beginning. Scar asked if he could join you one day, and the next thing you knew you were teaching Ekko too. Heather got a huge laugh out of that one.

On one chilly day, Scar told you he has a partner who lived on her own in Zaun. He told you that once he had enough money saved up, he was going to bring her to the Grotto. She was stubborn and didn't want to leave her job until she knew that they'd be okay. No matter how many times he told her that she didn't have to, she insisted that she didn't want to take advantage of Ekko's hospitality. You found that very sweet, and told Scar that you couldn't wait to meet her.

Eventually, you met Eve. She was an interesting character. She was quite bubbly and very touchy, but nonchalant at the same time. She liked to hang around you when your brother was with you but didn't interact with you otherwise. Heather said that made you lucky because once Eve started talking she'd never stop. You suspected that Heather might not be a fan of hers in general, but you shrugged it off. Who were you to judge someone by another person's opinion on them?

Ekko didn't let you leave the compound until he knew that your body was back up and running. Once the healer fully cleared you, you found yourself practicing with him the next morning. So, you proved it to him with a kick to the face.

Ekko stares at you with wide eyes as blood drips from his nose and he laughs. Ekko laughs so hard that he was bent over and clutching at his stomach. The others who watched this happen were horrified that you had just nailed their leader in the face. Eve's expression was particularly entertaining.

"Y-You didn't even see it coming!" You laugh, wheezing as Ekko playfully glares at you. Scar gives you a disappointed look and hands him a cloth, "You didn't need to kick your brother in the face. Anywhere else would've been fine." Scar playfully scolds you. You shake your head incredulously and pout, "It's fine! He's fine! He's laughing!" You pointed at Ekko who immediately faked crying when Scar glanced at him.

"Hey! You liar!" You gasp, causing Ekko to break character and laugh again. Scar shook his head but you could tell he was trying to hide his amusement. Ekko stayed seated as he held the cloth to his nose before signing to you, "You can go off-base but take Eve. She'll show you how to get in and out. Your gear isn't ready yet, but it should be later." You grin as Eve looks between the two of you in confusion.

"Thanks, little brother! Bye, older brother!" You chirp. Scar just rolls his eyes and goes back to tending to Ekko. You walk over to Eve with a grin, "You're coming with me and we're getting out of here!" You didn't give her time to answer as you grab your things and walk away. Excited for the trip, you have a skip in your step as you head for the gate.

"Wait! What was Ekko doing? Communicating with you?" Eve questions as she catches up with you at the gate. She takes off her hoverboard and places it in its holding slot by the entrance. When the Firelights didn't go on missions, they left their boards behind unless it was necessary. You didn't want to draw attention to yourself in the undercity. Ekko hadn't given you yours yet because he was making adjustments to it. He said it'd be done soon, and you were very happy about it.

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