Unpredictable Changes

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Warnings: Light sexual flirting/touching

"Did you forget that we were going to talk tonight?"

You blink in confusion as the blackness of your mind swirls into the mindscape you've become acquainted with. You find yourself on a cliff overlooking a gorgeous waterfall. It is eerily quiet as the sparkly water cascades over the edge and into the rapids below. Umbra is standing in front of you with her hands on her hips. She gives you a disapproving glare that makes you wince. You advert your gaze and look over her shoulder so those golden eyes don't kill you. Iesura pops into existence next to her with a grin but his arms are crossed.

"I-I...uh no!" You huff, "...Cut me some slack! I haven't seen her in years." You whine.

"So a woman shows up, gets you all hot and bothered, and suddenly you forget your duties?" Umbra snaps agitatedly, "In all my years, I have never met such a reckless child! And do you know how old I am, Hexxit?!"

"H-Hey! That's not what-!" You stutter out but get cut off.

"-Not what happened, hm? That's not what I saw!" Umbra narrows her eyes causing you to let out a shocked squeak.

"You saw that?!" You gasp, mortified.

"Saw it?! Of course, I saw it, Hexxit! We're connected!" Umbra throws her arms up in exasperation. You blush heavily and whirl around to stare at the waterfall. Iesura laughs, "Looks like someone might finally get the upper hand on our, Hexxit, hm?"

"Not you too! Did everyone see?! That's hundreds of you!" You sputter and wave your arms around frantically, "I thought I'd get some privacy!"

"Oh, so now you care? I ought to-!" Umbra steps towards you like she's about to wring your bloody neck. You nervously take a step back as Iesura steps between you two.

"Calm down, Umbra. You know it's normal to lose time with a mate. Although, she lost a bit more than time." Iesura snorts as he places a hand on her shoulder and she softens her gaze. Umbra relaxes as Iesura wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"Mate? Why do you keep saying that?" You give them a confused look. Out of everything they've said to you, the mention of a mate is the most confusing. They glance at each other and Iesura shrugs making Umbra let out a long sigh. It makes you more confused but you wait for one of them to start talking. You sit down on the cold ground knowing this might take a while. They join you and get comfortable.

"We've been studying your behaviors and comparing them to what we know about the human species. When you died, it opened a link between us. I was confused at first by the way you seemed to pick up on our way of communication. You shouldn't have been able to understand our language if we were just mentally connected. From that, you could access the arcane unconsciously without having been born with the ability. It should have started to slowly drain your soul, but it. . . didn't." Iesura explains to you, "The Arcane informed us that it gifted you with those abilities."

"The Arcane... remade you. You were reborn that night on the bridge. The night you accepted the Arcane, it called to me and tore my very soul apart. I thought I was a goner until I found myself next to you at the bank, and the Arcane told me what happened. I couldn't believe it but your eyes going gold is proof. Our species has golden eyes like those. So far, they only appear when you're using your magic or indulging in your bloodlust." Umbra gives you a proud smile, "I'm sure you could switch between them at wil-" Iesura covers her mouth with his hand and chuckles.

"My darling, you're going off track again. To the point, please." He gives her a pat on the head. Umbra glares at him before clearing her throat.

"My soul imprint was mixed with yours to create... something. You are... on a soul level... my child. You are not fully human anymore, but part of your soul is Brackern." You blink as what she said registers in your mind.

Hexed (Vi x POC! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now