It's Just Business

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Warnings: Choking, thigh grinding, teasing, hints of sadism/masochism, use of the word "Pet" Strap-on sex, Pet/Mistress dynamic, Hard Dom!Renata (Short sex scene at the end of Renata's piece. Starts when Renata says "I bow to no one." And ends at the ***)

For once, your hair fell over your shoulders in solid ivory ringlets. No other color is in sight to distract people from realizing that it's pure white. You were loitering outside of the Silver Pearl with the black card in your hand. You had dressed in the small private bedroom Babette had for each of her workers. You kept most of your work outfits in there except for the more valuable ones. You are wearing a pair of skintight leather pants with a long-sleeve crop top that shows a healthy amount of underboob. You threw on a ripped-up jacket over it that allowed you to hide some weapons away inside of it as a precaution.

You hum to yourself as someone with a respirator walks toward you. He's wearing a suit and seems to be a little nervous as he stops hesitantly in front of you. You hold out the card, letting him inspect it before he nods and beckons you along. A smile crosses your red lips as you walk close to him. His gun is visibly strapped to his hip with the Baroness' crest on it. The other roaming citizens don't even glance your way, too used to seeing this sight. It's the visitors from other cities that crane their heads to catch an eyeful.

"Wow, look at that poor girl! She has to sell her body to make money." You hear an obnoxiously familiar voice. You glare ahead as your retriever glances at you. 'Mavis is still alive after all of these years? What a miserable reality this is.'

"Keep walking." You say to him, "Once she realizes who I am, she'll get corrected quickly. Sex workers are cherished here. She just likes to stir up shit." He nods to you. You're silent the rest of the way to the descender station. As you step into it, you playfully bump your retriever, "You don't have to be so tense. Are you new? You're not one of my regular retrievers. What'd Zach do this time?"

"...He messed up something important the Baroness told him to take care of. So, he's been... permanently removed from her services." Your retriever says as you ascend to the surface street.

"Ah, how unfortunate for him to meet his expiration date. It seemed like he had some promise, but a woman like the Baroness can't afford any failures." You say cheerily and watch as the young man flinches, "Am I to know your name? Since you'll be the one retrieving me." You throw your arm over his shoulder and get close to his face, studying his features for any tells.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, ma'am. The Baroness-" His face turns pink as his eyes dart down to your chest.

"-refuses to have her underlings associate with those beneath them." You cut him off with an exaggerated pout, "I get it. I get it. I'm not worthy of her!" You whine.

"What? No! The Baroness doesn't want people to know my name until she knows that I'm worth keeping within her services." He hurriedly explains to you. You laugh and walk backwards so you can see his facial expressions more clearly, "I'm well aware of the Baroness' reason, newbie." You tease him, "Congratulations, you passed your first test." You wink at him. You watch as his eyes go wide in shock. He stutters for a moment before clearing his throat.

"My first test?" He blinks owlishly at you.

"If you were to be over-eager and tell me your name, even though you were told not to... That means you don't believe the Baroness has a good reason for the rule. It shows that you don't respect her. I've been the Baroness' courtesan for over a year. I'm well aware of her mannerisms." You grin. The guards at the gate bow to you as you walk in. You nod to them in greeting and observe the mansion in front of you. It was the finest one in all of Zaun compared to the Chem-Barons' poor imitations. This mansion was nothing compared to the ones in Piltover but that was to be expected. The Baroness prided herself on her roots while stuffing Piltover's money in her extremely deep pockets. Your retriever knocks on the mahogany door and it's opened to reveal a familiar face.

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