My Letter To You

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Dear Soldier,

First of all, I would like to thank you for putting your life on the line everyday. Secondly, this is an assignment for my writing class and we're supposed to ask you questions about what it's like in the war.

I have an older brother that's in the war too, and he doesn't like to talk about it to me. So, I'm gonna ask you different questions. What's your family like, do you have any siblings? Or is almost as dysfunctional as mine? Don't ask, we're just really dysfunctional.

Anyway, these letters, for some reason, are uncensored so I'll probably tell you some things eventually.

How old are you? I'm seventeen, eighteen in a few months and a senior in high school.

Did you try to go to college or just want to get out of the States? I personally, just want to get out of this one horse town that I call home.

I can't really think of anything else to say and I guess this is enough for a letter that you may or may not respond too. So talk later, maybe?

Taylor Greene


Edited, for the most part, so if you find something that's wrong just tell. And please don't be rude about it. Its really mean and can be discouraging

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