Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

I heard my phone ringing in my bedroom and ran upstairs to answer it. I quickly answered it without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?" Silence. "Hello? Anybody there?"

"Hey, umm, is this... Is this Taylor?"

This guy had the deepest and sexiest voice I had ever heard. He also sounded really nervous and I wasn't sure why, yet "Yeah," I said a little drawn out, "who is this?"

"This is... uh, this is Luke, Luke Peterson."

No words could describe how I felt except speechless. I honestly didn't know what to think or say, obviously. "Oh, hey." Was my totally genius response. "What's up?" I asked after a moment of silence between us. "I was just calling to... actually I just got back home and my sister told me to call you and I really don't know-"

"Are you nervous?" I asked teasingly because he had started to ramble. "Very, and I was actually just wondering if you would like to meet me, sometime?"

He really is nervous and it is the cutest thing ever. Me, grinning like an idiot, am standing in the middle of my room and I giggled. "Yeah, I would love to meet you some time."

"Alright, well, that was easier than I thought it would be. Umm, so when do you want to meet??"



The days after our phone conversation passed and the day we would meet arrived quickly. "Avery, help me find something to wear!! I'm freaking out and your sitting there laughing at me!" This is what I yelled at my best friend, while I was in my closet trying to find something for me to wear to the park where we were meeting. "Chill, Taylor, I think it's cute that your freaking out over a guy you've never seen before, he could be ugly for all you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I've gotten the same speech twice now, from mom and Dokata, but you didn't hear his voice. Guys that have voices like that are sexy and there is no denying that."

"I guess I'm not winning this argumement." Avery said to me as she walked to my closet to finally help me. "Well since y'all are meeting at a park I would go with a summer dress and some sandals, and a cute bracelet." As soon as Avery said summer dress I had the perfect outfit in my head. "Thank you Avery, your the best!"

Since Luke and I lived three hours apart we just kinda of meet in the middle at the town park. I found the bench we were going to meet at and he wasn't there yet so I sat down and waited. About ten minutes later I saw a really tall guy walking towards the bench I was sitting on, I tried to make look like I wasn't looking for someone bit as he got closer I knew it was him. And let me tell you I was right when I said he would be sexy. Luke (whom I was assuming he was Luke) when he finally reached me said, "Hey."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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