Chapter 2

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Coming home after a year and a half away, is a feeling you never forget. And then stepping off of the plane and seeing my family standing there waiting for me with excited grins on all of their faces is another feeling that you never forget.

My youngest brother seemed the most excited to see me. He really did look up to me since dad died a few years back. As I walked closer them could see the joy and admiration of my mother, Catherine, seeing me again after so long; and my sister holding the hand of her boyfriend, Josh. I was pretty excited to see them too, I dropped my bag and ran to them. I finally reached them and pulled all four of them into a weird and slightly uncomfortable group hug.

By the time we all pulled away, there were a few tears shed and 'I love you's' and 'I missed you's'. "Son, I'm so glad you made it home safe and sound." I grinned, "Me too, Mom, me too."

We eventually left the airport and went home, three towns from Taylor. Damn, I want to meet her so bad. Will she be like what I imagine her to be? Will she be excited to meet me?

"So big brother, got any plans for while your back?" is one of the first things that, my sister, Jordan, had asked me. "Well, I plan to meet with some of my high school friends and catch with them, I'm going to spend time with y'all, and I'm going to meet with a pen pal of mine that I started writing with while overseas." Jordan quickly jumped up and asked if my pen pal was girl, I should of known that, that would come from her and only her. "My pen pal is a girl, and her name is Taylor, if you must know Jordan." Aww, her name even makes her sound really beautiful. Wait, do you even know what she looks like?? And cue the deafening silence in the living room where we were all gathered. "Oh my gosh you don't, do you? I mean like, what if she's ugly, even though she has such a pretty name, but still what if she's the most hideous-" Jordan, it just adds to the mystery of finding out who the other really is, she gave me her phone number in one of our letters so I could contact her whenever I got back home and we could maybe meet up at some point. She was quiet for a moment, "well are you gonna go call her or not?" Every one just laughed at her and her antics, and I got up to go to my room to give her a call.


Ugh, I hate that this is so short but I just couldn't come up with anything for this chapter and this was what came out. I feel bad that its short... sorry

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