Peter Forger and Family Bio

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Name: Peter Forger

Age: 13

Alias: The Spider-Man, Spider, The Masked Hero, The Dark Hero, The Slinger

Affiliation: Unknown Organization (Formerly), The Orphanage (Formerly), The Forger Family, Eden Academy, The Daily Bugle

Occupation: Test Subject 006 (Formerly), Part-Time Photographer at the Daily Bugle, First-Year Middle School Student

Hobbies: Studying, Taking Photos, Inventing Machines, and Playing with Anya

Background: In Peter Forger's origins, he was known as Peter Parker who lived a simple life back then with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Until a tragedy strike in his family, his uncle was stabbed to death by a bank robber when he was six years old, and then a couple of years later, his Aunt May died due to heart disease when he was ten years old. When he was left alone, nobody was taking care of him, he roamed the streets, struggling to live a life for himself, finding shelter and searching for food from the trash. And eventually, he was taken in by a group of scientists from an unknown organization to do some experiments on him for the sake of world peace. He doesn't want to be experimented on or be a guinea pig for anyone, but if they provided shelter and food for him, he has no other choice but to follow them. 

When the unknown organization took him in, they decided to do the first experiment with a radioactive spider, most people get fevers and sharp pains from spider bites, but the radioactive spider was different because once the spider bits a person, it will give supernatural abilities of what a spider can do. Peter was very afraid of spiders, he tried to resist but they hold him down so that they can continue with their experiment, and they successfully let the radioactive spider bit Peter, giving him a fever and a headache as the side effects were kicking in before he passed out and then having nightmares about a giant spider, and then one day later, his body got a little muscular and possesses abilities of a spider after that spider bite, but the scientists still needed more research of Peter's abilities and then they continued to experiment on him.

After three years of research and experimenting, as a thirteen-year-old Peter was roaming around the building during his break, he overheard a conversation between the scientists and a little girl named Anya. He hid behind the walls so that he can hear the conversation clearly. Peter heard that Anya wants to draw and play, but the scientists refused her to do childish things making her cry, but the scientists didn't care about how Anya felt because they were too focused on world peace and experimenting, just as they did the same thing to Peter, and it made him really mad for making a little girl cry. Peter then learned that the organization will soon abandon and throw them away if they were failed experiments, so he decided to rescue the little girl Anya from the laboratory, and then they both escaped from the organization for the sake of their freedom and they moved from institution to institution, seeking someone to take care of them. After a few days have passed, Peter and Anya were found by a nun of an orphanage who took pity on them and decided to take them in for food and shelter. 

Anya was glad that Peter was the one and only person in her world who really cared about her and thinks of him as his big brother she never had. Peter wanted to protect Anya until the very end and he wanted to make sure that she doesn't get harmed or be used by anyone. Since he and Anya still got their supernatural powers from the unknown organization, he decided to use his powers for good and world peace in his very own way. So Peter found an old airman uniform from World War that was found in an old closet and then remodeled the uniform and became the hero of the shadows who will protect his family, his loved ones, and the harmless from evil and criminal forces. Most people call him the Slinger. But for him, he prefers to call himself... "The Spider-Man". And then six months later, a man named Loid Forger came to the orphanage and decided to adopt Peter and Anya, and Anya felt really happy that she can finally be with a real family with his big brother Peter.

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