I'll see you tomorrow

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Tomorrow I will keep
Lay the rest upon the key
Cause the past will be dusty
And I'll just keep up the facade
Of our foolish accolade

Wanderer of the lands
Traveler of broken hands
The clock unwinds and yet I find that what's life test will be a conquest and I'll be fine upon a dime never to define our sacred time

Heavy slashes of throats
Is this all a hoax?
I see what I see
But it's not plenty
It's merely
Just the silly
of me

Cut me off
Shave a thread
Tear a bullet through my head
And I'll be fine

Fine to define
With scarcity of time
I've wasted trying to define
This love of mine

Mine holding onto yours
Mine holding onto silly cures
Mine ... Never to be defined

Thoughts of an Aspiring GentlemanWhere stories live. Discover now