Deaf Ears (Pt.1)

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The sun beat down on his back as he raced through the forest. It was hot work for him and for the horse, and they did not come close to the speeds possible with Torstein's fleet of foot. He finally sped round the last corner of the forest track and there ahead of him, in its entire shimmering splendour was the city of Ollorath, stood proud against the landscape. It was a beautiful city to Nathaniel, which was why he had to do all he could to prepare it for the advancing army. Torstein had told him he had around a month until the full force would have built up and begun marching toward Ollorath.

Nathaniel charged onward towards the gates, hurtling at great speed, both him and the horse tiring fast. As the cobblestones began he pulled back the reins and slowed right down, walking through the gates. On the other side the guardsman at the gates looked entirely shocked, "Nathaniel," one said, "We had taken you for dead. You have been gone for weeks. What happened?" he inquired. Nathaniel did not have time to stop and chat. He had to take his news to the commander of the guard with all haste. He trotted quite fast up the streets, bringing the horse to a canter as the streets cleared, heading straight to the guard's hall, his mind focused on its purpose.

Set up on higher ground, the guard's hall was accessible only by steps and Nathaniel had to dismount. He then ran headlong up the steps toward the grand building, which had been built with a colonnade of marble pillars and statues of heroes holding the entrance up. He did not stop to talk to the guards as he strode through the large entry hall, as they all looked on in astonishment. He had no time to stop and tell every guardsman and captain where he had been and how he had managed to return. His primary focus was to reach the commander and warn him of the oncoming attackers. At the back of the hall he joined a corridor, which ran straight back. At the far end was the commander's room and sitting at his stone table was the commander, who dropped his quill when he saw Nathaniel stood in the doorway. "We had taken you for dead," he said a little bewildered, "What happened to the others?" he asked.
"We were ambushed by Goblins in the forest," replied Nathaniel, which brought a look of disbelief onto the commander's face.

Nathaniel knew it would be hard making anyone believe his story but he knew the commander fairly well and had never been known to lie about things to him. The commander was a honourable man and Nathaniel believed he would take him seriously as he explained things. "We sent out search parties and found no trace of your group," added the commander. Nathaniel then began to explain how the events had unfolded, from fleeing the dark elf to meeting Torstein and heading into the mountains to find the growing army near the Red Pass. The commander said nothing the whole time he explained his story. After Nathaniel had covered everything he stressed again about the coming of the army, pleading with him to take the news to the ministry and begin preparing the city for war.

Perhaps he had seen it all as some joke, but the commander did not take Nathaniel seriously. "How can you be sure it was not all just a trick? Perhaps he poisoned you so you would see what he told you to see," said the captain, but his postulation seemed more outrageous to Nathaniel than his tale. The commander had not met Torstein. "You must believe me , my lord. If we do nothing the army will swarm the city and destroy it," but pleading was useless. The commander would not believe him. He would have to try and speak to the ministry himself and hope and pray that someone would take him seriously. "You are weary Nathaniel," added the commander, "Take the week off to recover, then you can take up your duties again." Nathaniel left the room in a desperate mood. He hoped that someone would believe him. It would be difficult gaining an audience with the ministry so he returned to his room in the eastern guard tower to collect his thoughts.

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